

释义 文馨文馨★◀▶回1. chapters in a novel2. number of times3. to repay4. to reply5. to return6. to turn back文馨☞迴回 huísyn. 迴回huíto circleto go backto turn aroundto answerto returnto revolveHui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims)timeclassifier for acts of a playsection or chapter (of a classic book)huíto curveto returnto revolvehuívariant of 回[huí]回 n. 参见:回族[Huízú] measure word 次used for events这我听过两回。 I've heard this a couple of times.这是我第二回遇到他。 This is the second time I've met him.那是另一回事。 That's another matter entirely.章回chapter小说的第十回 the tenth chapter of the novel v. 参见:回来[huílái];回去[huíqù]回学校 go back to school一来一回要一个钟点。 It takes an hour to get there and back.回到原来的工作岗位 return to one's original post回到本题 return to the present topic寄回家去 send home参见:回转[huízhuǎn]回过脸去 turn one's face away答复to reply回电话 return a call参见:回禀[huíbǐng]谢绝;退掉to decline; to reject adj. 曲折环绕twisting and turning峰回路转 the mountain road twists and turns回 huí 动 (曲折环绕) circle; wind:  峰回路转。 The path winds along mountain ridges. (从别处回到原来的地方; 还) return; go back:  回到原地 return to where one came from;  回故乡 return to one's hometown;  过一会儿我还要回过来讲这个问题。 I'll return to this point in my lecture in a little while.  然后他回到座位上去。 Then he went back to his seat. (掉转) turn round:  她回过身来, 沉思地望了望他。 She turned round and regarded him thoughtfully. (答复; 回报) answer; reply:  回信 send a letter in reply; write back (向上报告; 回禀) report back:  已经回了 have already reported (to superior) 量 (用于事情、动作的次数) time:  好几回 a good many times;  来过一回 have been here once;  完全是两回事 two entirely different matters;  大连我去过两回。 I have been to Dalian twice.  一回生, 二回熟。 First time strangers, second time friends. (说书的一个段落; 章回小说的一章) chapter:  这部小说共一百二十回。 This novel has 120 chapters. 名 (回族) the Hui nationality (姓氏) a surname:  回满住 Hui Manzhu 另见 hui。 2) 回 hui (构词成分)见下。另见 huí。林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶回回 636B55  41.41-4  部居  畫數 6ㄏㄨㄟˊ [hui2] . [Anc. var. ; pop. ]N.(1)  A chapter in story, an incident: 甚麼一回事,怎麼回事 what has happened?(2)  Number of times: 上回對他說 the last time I spoke to him;好幾回 a good many times.(3)  等一回兒 (=會兒) in a short while.(4)  Moslem: 回族,回人,回民 Moslem people, short for 回回, see 回回,回教 [hui2hui2], [hui2jiao4]↓.(5)  A surname.V.i.(1)  To return, turn round or back: 回來,回復,回頭,回顧,回去, [hui2lai0], [hui2fu4], [hui2tou2], [hui2gu4], [hui2qU0], ↓;回暖 (the weather) has turned warm;回黃轉綠 from autumn yellow to the green of spring.(2)  To reply: 回覆 or 回復 to reply by letter;回稟 to report back;回電 reply telegram;回示 [hui2shi4]↓;已經回了 have already reported (to superior);請你替我回一下 please send message in for me;回嘴,回罵 [hui2zui3], [hui2ma4]↓;回命 return with message.Adj. & adv.(1)  Going round, curving: 回廊 (=迴廊) curving corridor;回翔 (=迴轉) (of birds) circling in the air.(2)  Reflected: 回光返照 the sun's reflected light at evening, also return to consciousness before death;回味,回響 [hui2wei4], [hui2xiang3]2↓.Adv.(After vb.) back: 收回,取回 take back;送回 send back;贖回 claim pawned article;折回 turn back on the road;回敬 [hui2jing4]↓.Words1. 回報 [hui2bao4], (1) n., revenge, retribution; (2) v.i., to report back.2. 回避 [hui2bi4], v.t., see 迴 避 41.83.3. 回程 [hui2cheng2], n., return journey.4. 回青 [hui2qing1], n., a mineral green for painting.5. 回春 [hui2chun1], v.i., return to spring; (of doctors) bring back life to patient.6. 回去 [hui2qU0], v.i., to go home.7. 回答 [hui2da2], v.i., & n., answer by word or letter.8. 回復 [hui2fu4], v.i., (1) to recover (health) or (health) recovers; (2) to reply by word of mouth or letter.9. 回歸熱 [hui2gui1re4], n., recurrent or relapsing fever.10. 回歸線 [hui2gui1xian4], n., (astron.) the tropics: 北回歸線 Tropic of Cancer; 南回歸線 Tropic of Capricorn.11. 回顧 [hui2gu4], v.t., to look back (on road, past).12. 回鍋肉 [hui2guo1rou4], n., a Szechuan dish of pork (first boiled, next cut into slices, and finally fried with rich seasoning).13. 回話 [hui2hua4], n., message of reply usu. carried by servant.14. 回惶 [hui2huang2], adj., afraid.15. 回回 [hui2hui2], adj. & n., Moslem, the Moslems.16. 回護 [hui2hu4], v.t., to take s.o.’s side, to side with (person).17. 回見 [hui2jian0], phr., see you again (abbr. from 回頭見).18. 回教 [hui2jiao4], n., the Moslem religion, see [hui2hui2]↑.19. 回敬 [hui2jing4], v.t. & n., to send present in return or propose toast in return: 回敬一杯.20. 回轉 [hui2zhuan3], v.i., to turn round, see [hui2xin1]↓.21. 回扣 [hui2kou4], n., discount; commission for agent.22. 回來 [hui2lai0], (1) v.i., to come back; (2) adv., afterwards: 回來他不答應 he might disapprove afterwards.23. 回力球 [hui2li4qiu2], n., haialai, a game of Spanish origin.24. 回禮 [hui2li3], v.i. & n., (to, a) reply in salute, toast, see [hui2jing4]↑.25. 回鑾 [hui2luan2], phr., emperor's return to capital.26. 回祿 [hui2lu4], n., god of fire: 回祿之災 a fire disaster.27. 回籠 [hui2long2], v.i., (econ.) cause bank notes to return to the bank of issue.28. 回罵 [hui2ma4], v.i. & t., to answer back and scold in return.29. 回門 [hui2men2], v.i. & n., the return of bride to her mother's home on third day of wedding.30. 回眸 [hui2mou2], v.i., (of woman) glance back.31. 回片兒 [hui2piaher0], n., a receiver's name card as sign of receipt.32. 回煞 [hui2sha4], n., (Taoist) return of soul of deceased to visit own home a few days after death.33. 回生 [hui2sheng1]1, v.i., usu. in 起死回生 (praise of doctors) make the dead come back to life.34. 回聲 [hui2sheng1]2, n., echo.35. 回想 [hui2xiang3]1, v.i., to think back, recollect.36. 回響 [hui2xiang3]2, n., (1) an echo; (2) a response (to appeal).37. 回信 [hui2xin4], n., letter of reply.38. 回心 [hui2xin1], v.i., to soften determination: 回心轉意 to change one's mind and come back (to former relation).39. 回手(兒) [hui2shou3]1([er0]), v.i., to return (blow); to do s.t. with a turn of the hand.40. 回首 [hui2shou3]2, v.i., (LL) to look back or think back: 不堪回首 cannot bear to think of the past.41. 回示 [hui2shi4], n., (court.) your reply, instruction.42. 回旋 [hui2xUan2], v.i. & adv., (to go) round and round.43. 回條(兒) [hui2tiao2]([er0]), n., a note of reply.44. 回頭 [hui2tou2], (1) adv., by and by: 我回頭就來 I will come in a moment; (2) v.i., turn back: 回頭一看 turn back to look; v.i., 回頭是岸 (Budd.) just repent and salvation is at hand.45. 回嘴 [hui2zui3], v.i., to answer back; also 應嘴 to retort.46. 回味 [hui2wei4], n., aftertaste (of good tea, olives, etc.).47. 回文 [hui2wen2], n., (1) Moslem language; (2) official reply; see 迴 文詩 41.83.48. 回憶 [hui2yi4], v.i., to think back, recall: 回憶錄 book of reminiscences, memoirs.49. 回音 [hui2yin1], n., a letter of reply; echo.50. 回郵 [hui2you2], n., & v.t., return mail.51. 回佣 [hui2yong4], n., commission (discount) for servant.回回 [hui2hui2], adj. & n., Moslem, the Moslems.林语堂☞迴回ad.back以前;回还,回again〈废〉回,向相反方向fro回,向后;(离)开(只用于 to and fro 短语中)n.time次,回;〈美〉轮次return回,返回;回来;〈英口〉来回票chapter(书等的)章,回,篇convolution【解】回;脑回gyrus【解】脑回,回sura(伊斯兰教古兰经的)章,回vi.return回,返回retour回,归vt.surrender〈废〉回,退,还回1. to go back to\\\\1·to wind; to circle; to rotate双向☞次--计时--时间双向☞配色--回--色组回[huí]动1. circle; wind♦ 巡回 2. return; go back♦ ~家 go back home♦ ~到原地 return to where one came from♦ ~到生产第一线 go back to one's post on the production front3. turn round♦ ~过身来 turn round4. answer; reply♦ 回信 5. report back (to one's superior)♦ 回禀 6. decline (an invitation, etc.); refuse; cancel; dismiss量1. chapter♦ 这部小说共112~。 This novel has 112 chapters.2. time; occasion♦ 来过一~ have been here once♦ 有一~我在路上碰到他。 Once, I ran into him in the street.♦ 完全是两~事 two entirely different matters




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