

单词 四大自由
释义 四大自由 sì dà zìyóuPRC four big freedoms (to buy and sell land, hire workers, borrow and lend, conduct trade)四大自由 sì dà zì yóu (买卖土地自由, 雇工自由, 放高利贷自由, 经商自由) “four freedoms” (freedom of usury, of hiring labour, land sale and private enterprise); four kinds of “freedom” in the countryside: freedom to buy or to sell land, to hire labour, to issue usurious loans and to engage in business; “four big freedoms”四大自由phr.the four freedoms(美国总统富兰克林 罗斯福所提倡的)四大自由(指言论自由、信仰自由、免于恐惧的自由和免于匮乏的自由)




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