

释义 四1. four2. fourth四 sì1) num. four; 42) cons. 四 A bā B: used with two similar terms A and B to indicate combination四乡八镇 all the towns and villages四sìfour4四 n. 【音】note in the Chinese gongchepu scale num. 数目four四天 four days四个孩子 four children四人小组 group of four我们四个人一起来的。 The four of us came together.我们一共四人。 There are four of us in all.四五得二十。 Four times five is twenty.顺序fourth五月四日 fourth of May四点多钟 after four o'clock四 sì 数 (三加一后所得) four:  第四卷 Volume Four; the Fourth Volume;  四分之一 a quarter; one-fourth;  四号 Number Four;  四岁的孩子 a child of four;  那匹马跳过小溪,四脚落地。 The horse jumped the stream and landed on all fours. 名  {音} (中国民族音乐音阶上的一级) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to 6 in numbered musical notation (姓氏) a surname:  四晖 Si Hui 四四 640C00  41.41-8  部居  畫數 5ㄙˋ [si4] Adj.Four: 第四 number four;4 and 5, oft. connote the sense of dispersal: 四分五裂 all split up;四分五裂 from all sides (things appear);四捨五入 (in accounting) omitting decimal fractions smaller than 0.5 and counting all others, including 0.5, as 1;4 and 8, usu. indicating foursquare, well balanced: 四停八當,四平八穩 (affair) very well disposed indeed;4 and 6: 四六夾開 clearly presented;四六(句子) [si4liu4]↓;four sides, all around: 四面,四方,四邊,四圍 [si4mian4], [si4fang1], [si4bian1], [si4wei2]1↓, 四下,四起 [si4xia4], [si4qi3]↓;四處 [si4chu4]↓;四脖子流汗 sweating all the neck round;四面落地 all four walls covered with paper;四海 [si4hai3]↓;四至 [si4zhi4]↓;四腳兒朝天 falling backwards with hands and legs in the air.Words1. 四拜 [si4bai4], phr., (AC) deep bow four times.2. 四表 [si4biao3], phr., in all directions, beyond confines of visible world.3. 四邊(兒) [si4bian1] ([si4biaer0]), phr., in all four directions: east, west, north, south; all around; 四邊形 [si4bian1xing2], a square.4. 四壁 [si4bi4], phr., on all the walls of a room: 家徒四壁 a house empty of all furniture; also all around, on all sides.5. 四部 [si4bu4], phr., standard library classification into four categories: (a) 經 classics, (b) 史 history, including geography, (c) 子 philosophy and the arts and sciences, and (d) 集 collected works (subject or author); see 四庫 [si4ku4]↓.6. 四不像 [si4bu4xiang4], (1) adj., nondescript; (2) n., a fly swatter.7. 四稱 [si4chen4], adj., (face) well-balanced, well-proportioned.8. 四起 [si4qi3], adv., all around (uprising).9. 四垂 [si4chui2], adv., (AC) on all frontiers (垂 u.f. 陲).10. 四處(兒) [si4chu4]([er0]), adv., (look for s.t.) everywhere.11. 四大 [si4da4], phr., (1) (Budd.) the four elements of earth, water, fire, air; (2) 四大金剛 the statues of four guardian spirits at entrance to temple; (3) 四大門兒 the fox, the skunk, the porcupine and the snake, superstitiously considered as spirits to influence human life.12. 四德 [si4de2], n., the traditional four fundamentals in girl's education: 婦德 behavior, 婦言 speech, 婦容 appearance, and 婦功 needlework and cookery.13. 四地 [si4di4]1, (1) adv., see [si4chu4]↑; (2) adj., neat: 這個人好四地 (coll.) this person is very neat and tidy.14. 四諦 [si4di4]2, n., (Budd.) the four “truths” of life: 苦 misery and pain, 集 acquisition, 滅 extinction, and 道 salvation by the right path.15. 四方 [si4fang1], adj. & adv., (1) everywhere, in (from) all directions; (2) foursquare, square; 四方步兒 solemn measured steps; 四方塊兒 a square piece, also (facet.) a short, stumpy person; 四方臉兒 a square face, square-jawed.16. 四海 [si4hai3], (1) adv., “the four seas”-the whole world: 四海一家 the whole world is one family; adv., 四海之內,皆兄弟也(子夏) all the people of the world are brothers; (2) ([si4hai0]) adj., (coll.) generous: 為人很四海 is very generous to people.17. 四合 [si4he2], (1) adv., (dust) closing all around; (2) 四合房(兒) or 四合兒 Chin. house with courtyard in center and rooms on four sides (三合兒 rooms on three sides).18. 四呼 [si4hu1], n., (MC Chin. phonetics) the four classes of syllabic forms: 開口 regular or open; 齊齒 beginning with “i” ([yi1]) sound; 合口 beginning with “u” ([wu1]) sound, 撮口 beginning with * ([yU1]) sound: thus [an1], [yan1], [wan1], [yUan1].19. 四胡 [si4hu2], n., a junior [hu1] stringed instrument, with four strings.20. 四郊 [si4jiao1], n., the suburbs.21. 四季(兒) [si4ji4] ([si4jie4er0]), n., the four seasons; 四季花兒 the representative flowers of the four seasons: peony (spring), pomegranate (summer), chrysanthemum (autumn), and plum (winter).22. 四極 [shi1ji2], n., the ends of the universe.23. 四周 [shi1zhou1], adj., on all sides: 四周遭兒,四周圍 ditto.24. 四柱冊 [shi1zhu4ce4], phr., formerly, (in official accounting) the four “columns” of “carried over,” “income,” “expenses” and “balance.”25. 四知 [si4zhi1]1, phr., the “four knows”- “heaven knows; god knows, I know and you know”-there is no absolutely secret dealing.26. 四肢 [si4zhi1]2, n., the four limbs-arms and legs.27. 四至 [si4zhi4], n., the exact boundaries on four sides of land, specified in deeds; 四至兒 ditto, also 定四至兒 set limits to undertaking; 辦事有四至兒 be precise in one's affairs.28. 四塊瓦兒 [si4kuai4wa3er0], n., a hat (in cold countries) with reversible flabs on four sides.29. 四框闌兒 [si4kuang1la2er0], n., the radical “”; index No. 41.30. 四庫 [shi1ku4], n., usu. 四庫全書 the imperial library of Chienlung named after the “four vaults” of classics, history, philosophy and collected works of literature, see [si4bu4]↑.31. 四稜(兒)(子) [si4leng2]([er0])([zi0]), n., a utensil with four-cornered shape; n., 四稜子 [si4leng2zi0], (a) n., a vulgar, coarse fellow; n., (b) adj., rude in speech.32. 四令 [si4ling4], n., see [si4ji4]↑.33. 四六 [shi1liu4], n., a euphuistic style of parallel constructions, known esp. for pairs of sentences of four and six characters.34. 四鄰 [si4lin2], n., next-door neighbors.35. 四靈 [shi1ling2], n., (AC) the four spirits in AC mythology: the unicorn, the phoenix, the turtle and the dragon.36. 四面(兒) [shi1mian4] ([si4miaher0]), adv., on all sides: 四面受敵 surrounded by enemy on all sides; 四面楚歌 (allu.) ditto-hear the [chu3] songs (of enemy) on all sides; 四面體 (math.) a tetrahedron.37. 四民 [si4min2], n., the four classes of people in order of importance: 士 scholars, 農 farmers, 工 artisans, and 商 merchants.38. 四明兒 [si4ming2er0], adv., (coll.) all around: 四明兒都是籬笆 hedges all around.39. 四旁 [si4pang2], adv., all around.40. 四平調 [si4ping2diao4], n., (Chin. opera) the songs of 二黃 [er4huang2] (also called 平調).41. 四散 [shi1san4], adj., dispersed, scattered about.42. 四聲 [shi1sheng1], n., the four tones: (1) 陰平 ([a1]), (2) 陽平 ([a2]), (3) 上 (pr. [shang3]) ([a3]), and (4) 去 ([a4]) in standard national tongue, without 入聲 the “entering tone”; in other classifications, (1) and (2) are regarded together as 平, while 入聲 is added.43. 四下(裡) [shi1xia4] ([li3]), adv., everywhere.44. 四向 [si4xiang4], adv., toward all directions.45. 四鄉 [si4xiang1]1, n., suburbs (on all sides).46. 四廂 [si4xiang1]2, n., the suburbs in four directions, esp. Peking.47. 四絃琴 [si4xian2qin2], n., the violin (usu. called 小提琴).48. 四星 [si4xing1], n., the end part, lower part (orig., end of steelyard, marked by four asterisks).49. 四書 [si4shu1], n., The Four Books: (1) 大學 The Great Learning, (2) 中庸 The Doctrine of the Mean, (3) 論語 Confucian Analects, and (4) 孟子 The Works of Mencius-formerly, required reading in all elementary grades.50. 四時 [si4shi2], n., see [si4ji4]↑.51. 四序 [si4xU4], n., (LL) the four seasons (序=時序).52. 四體 [si4ti3], n., see [si4zhi1]2↑.53. 四則 [si4ze2], n., (arithmetic) addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.54. 四坐 [si4zuo4], n., the audience around, the company at a dinner.55. 四圍 [si4wei2]1, adv., all around.56. 四維 [si4wei2]2, phr., the four basic virtues of 禮,義,廉,恥(管子) manners, justice, integrity and honor, regarded as the “hawsers” (or anchors) of the ship of state.57. 四五子 [si4wu3zi0], n., wine (a pun, from 4+5=9, “nine” 九 [jiu3], being homonym for “wine”.58. 四眼人 [si4yan3ren2], n., (vulgar) a pregnant woman (counting two eyes for the embryo).59. 四言時 [si4yan2shi1], n., a poem with lines of four characters each esp. in 詩經 Book of Poetry.60. 四野 [si4ye3], n., the open countryside.61. 四裔 [si4yi4], n., (AC) distant regions.62. 四夷 [si4yi2], n., the barbarians on borders of China.63. 四元 [si4yUan2], n., (anc. Chin. polynomial algebra) 天地人物 standing for A, B, C, D.64. 四月 [si4yUe4], n., (1) the fourth lunar month; (2) April.65. 四運 [si4yUn4], n., see [si4shi2], [si4xU4]↑.四a.four四(的),四个(的)quaternary四个一组的;四部分组成的;四个组成的;四的n.four四;四个(人或物)cater四(骰子的)四点,(纸牌的)四quaternary四quaternity四四1. four四QUATRE双向☞平方--二次〔词头〕--四双向☞四个〔词头〕--四双向☞类--准--四双向☞肆--四四[sì]数four




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