

单词 嘎吱
释义 嘎吱 gāzhīcreak嘎吱gāzhī(onom.) creakcrunch嘎吱 onomatopoeia creak皮鞋嘎吱嘎吱地响着 leather shoes squeaking扁担压得嘎吱嘎吱响 shoulder pole creaking with the weight雪在脚下嘎吱嘎吱地响 snow crunching underfoot嘎吱 gā zhī 象 (物件受压力而发出的声音, 多叠用) creak:  嘎吱嘎吱响的椅子 a creaking chair;  行李压得扁担嘎吱嘎吱直响。 The shoulder pole creaked under the weight of the luggage. 嘎吱 [ga1zhi1], adj., crackling, laughing sound.嘎吱1. [Onomatopoeia] creak嘎吱(usu. reduplicated) the creaking sound of objects that are under great stress♦ 行李压得扁担~~直响。 The shoulder pole creaked under the weight of the luggage.




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