

单词 喷薄
释义 喷薄 pēnbógush; spurt喷薄pēnbóto gushto squirtto surgeto well outto overflow喷薄水涌;太阳上升gushing; rising喷薄欲出的一轮红日 red sun pushing above the horizon一轮红日喷薄而出。 A huge red sun bursts forth.1949年10月1日,新中国像一轮红日从东方喷薄而出。 On the first of October 1949, a new China rose in the east like a red sun.喷薄 pēn bó in a gushing (spurting) manner; gush; spurt:  一股洪流喷薄而出。 A powerful current spurted out. 喷薄gushing; spurting~欲出 (of the sun) emerge in all its splendour




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