

单词 善后
释义 文馨英漢☞善後善后 shànhòuI v.o.deal with the aftermathII n.1) funeral arrangements善后工作很重要。 Funeral arrangements are important.2) reparations善后shànhòuto deal with the aftermath (arising from an accident)funeral arrangementsreparations善后to handle the aftermath火灾的善后事宜 handling of the aftermath of a fire处理善后问题 solve the problem of handling the aftermath研究如何善后 research how to handle the aftermath善后 shàn hòu cope with the aftermath of a disaster; deal with problems arising from an accident, disaster, etc.; redress; rehabilitate:  这位老先生负责处理这次车祸的善后工作。 This old gentleman is to deal with the aftermath of the traffic accident. 善后1. to deal with problems or difficulties arising from a calamity, accident, etc.善后deal with problems arising from an accident, etc.♦ 处理火灾的~问题 deal with the aftermath of the fire




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