

单词 喁喁
释义 喁喁 yóngyóngwr.1) look at expectantly2) in whispers喁喁yóngyónglooking up expectantlyspeaking softly (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [yu2 yu2])喁喁众人景仰归向<书>admiring喁喁 yóng yóng (书) (喻) everyone looking up to sb.喁喁n.COO(表示柔情的)低语声,喁喁喁喁1. [Formal] everyone looking up to sb.2. to talk in whisper喁喁书 1. everyone looking up to sb.2. whisper♦ ~私语 talk in whispers♦ ~情话 whisper tender words to each other




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