释义 |
ABCABC★◀▶喀嚓 kāchāsyn. 咔嚓喀嚓 kācācoll. snap; break in two喀嚓kāchā(onom.) breaking or snapping喀嚓 onomatopoeia crack忽听得喀嚓一声,树被风吹折了。 The tree was blown over with a sudden crack.喀嚓喀嚓地吃冰糖块 crunch one's way through sugar lumps喀嚓喀嚓地吃面包干 crunch one's way through stale bread喀嚓 kā chā 象 crack; snap: 扁担喀嚓一声断了。 The carrying-pole broke with a crack. 喀嚓1. [Onomatopoeia] a crack; a snap喀嚓a cracking or snapping sound♦ ~一声, 树枝断了。 The branch broke with a snap. or The branch snapped. |