

单词 商榷
释义 商榷 shāngquè1) deliberate2) discuss together商榷shāngquèto discussto bring up various ideas for discussion商榷参见:商讨[shāngtǎo]商榷 shāng què discuss; deliberate; counsel; consult:  经过短时间的商榷 after brief consultations;  这一点值得商榷。 This is open to discussion.  提出几点意见, 与诸位商榷。 Here are a few points I wish to discuss with you. 商榷 [shang1qUe4], v.i. & t., to discuss together (problems, affairs).商榷1. to discuss; to deliberate over商榷discuss; deliberate♦ 这一点值得~。 This point is open to question.♦ 提出几点意见, 与诸位~。 Here are a few points I wish to discuss with you.




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