释义 |
唆使1. to abet2. to instigate唆使 suōshǐinstigate; abet唆使to incite唆使犯罪 incite to commit a crime唆使打架 stir up a fight唆使干坏事 incite to do something bad唆使反对某人 incite to oppose somebody唆使叛乱 incite a rebellion唆使 suō shǐ instigate; abet; incite: 唆使某人做某事 instigate sb. to do sth.(to action); 在某人的唆使下 at the instigation of sb.; 唆使某人犯罪 abet a man in a crime; 是谁唆使他去做这件害人的事? Who set him on to do this piece of mischief? 唆使者 instigator; abettor唆使 [suo1shi3], V.t., to incite (to mischief).唆使n.authorship(事物的)源头(指创始人、制作者等);唆使,煽动instigation唆使;怂恿;煽动;挑动abetment唆使;怂恿;支持;鼓励vt.seduce唆使,使…做坏事,诱…入歧途instigate唆使;怂恿 (to)abet教唆,唆使;煽动,怂恿(犯罪行为、计划等)goad刺激;驱使,促使;唆使hag怂恿,唆使唆使1. to instigate; to abet; to egg sb. on; to set sb. on; to put up to; to seduce sb. from (or into); to goad on唆使instigate; abet♦ ~者 instigator; abettor英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞ENCOURAGE英華☞Abetment英華☞BOTTOM英華☞FOMENT英華☞ABET英華☞EGG |