

释义 哽1. to choke with emotion2. to swallow one's anger and pride哽 gěng1) choke on food慢点儿吃,别哽着。 Eat a bit slower; don't choke.2) choke with emotion哽gěngchoking哽 v. 食物堵塞喉咙to choke被骨头哽住 choke on a bone参见:哽塞[gěngsè]他喉咙哽得说不出话来 he choked up and was unable to speak哽 gěng 动 (喉咙堵塞) choke (with emotion); feel a lump in one's throat:  喉咙哽得说不出话来 be choked and unable to speak;  她咽下了一粒梅核, 几乎哽死。 She swallowed a plum-stone and was almost chocked. 哽哽 603B20  40A.82-3  部居  畫數 10ㄍㄥˇ [geng3] V.i.To choke from grief or anger: 哽咽 [geng3ye1]↓.Words1. 哽塞 [geng3se4], V.i., be choked and unable to speak.2. 哽咽 [geng3ye1], V.i., to choke with sobs.哽1. to choke (with emotion); to feel a lump in one's throat哽[gěng]动choke (with emotion); feel a lump in one's throat♦ 他心里一酸, 喉咙~得说不出话来。 He felt a pang of sadness, and got so choked up he couldn't speak.




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