

释义 哲1. wise哲 zhéwise; sagacious (哲学)哲zhéwisea sagezhé(used in given names)variant of 哲[zhé]哲 n. 参见:哲人[zhérén]先哲 great thinker of the past adj. 有智慧wise哲 zhé 形 (有智慧) wise; sagacious:  明哲 wise and discreet 名 (有智慧的人) wise man; sage:  圣哲 the sages (智慧) wisdom:  贤哲 wit and wisdom 哲哲 26C30  10.40  部居  畫數 10ㄓㄜˊ [zhe2] N.(1)  Wisdom: 哲學,哲理 [zhe2xUe2], [zhe2li3]↓.(2)  Sage, wise man: 聖哲 the sages.Adj.Wise: 明哲 discreet;明哲保身 keep out of harm by discretion.Words1. 哲理 [zhe2li3], n., philosophy, philosophical principle.2. 哲人 [zhe2ren2], n., a wise man, the sage master.3. 哲學 [zhe2xUe2], n., philosophy; 哲學家 philosopher.4. 哲嗣 [zhe2si4], n., (court.) your son.哲1. a wise and experienced person哲[zhé]形wise; sagacious♦ 哲人 名wise man; sage♦ 先哲




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