

释义 哀1. sad2. to grieve哀 āi1) sorrow (哀伤)2) lament (哀悼)3) doleful; tragic (悲哀)哀ĀiAi (c. 2000 BC), sixth of legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yán dì] descended from Shennong 神农[Shén nóng] Farmer God, also known as Li 厘[Lí]āisorrowgriefpityto grieve forto pityto lamentto condole哀 v. 悼念to mourn参见:哀怜[āilián] adj. 参见:哀痛[āitòng]哭声甚哀。 The sound of sobbing was truly pitiful.哀 āi 名 (悲伤; 悲痛) sorrow; grief; mourning:  喜怒哀乐 joy, anger, grief and happiness -- the gamut of human feeling (哀悼) mourning:  志哀 express one's mourning for the deceased;  默哀 stand in silent tribute;  举哀三天 go into mourning for three days (怜悯) pity:  乞哀告怜 piteously beg for help (姓氏) a surname:  哀章 Ai Zhang 动 (书) (悼念; 悲伤) mourn; lament; grieve over; be in sorrow:  哀英雄之故去 lament the death of a her 形 (悲伤的) bewailing; doleful; sad; sorrowful:  悲哀 grieved; sorrowful 副 (悲伤地) sorrowfully; pitifully:  哀叹 sigh sorrowfully 林语堂林语堂★◀▶哀哀 808A55  60.02  部居  畫數 9ㄞ [ai1] N.(1)  Sorrow: 哀樂 joys and sorrows.(2)  Grief at funeral: 舉哀 mark ceremony by proper lamentation;誌哀 to express one's grief;節哀 please restrain your grief;生榮死哀 lament at death of a famous man;hence 榮哀錄 collection of tributes by friends to one deceased.V.i.&t.To lament, grieve, feel sorry for: 哀之 take pity on him;哀憐 [ai1lian2]↓;哀矜 [ai1jin1]↓.Adj.&Adv.(1)  Bewailing, doleful, dolorous, sad, tragic: 悲哀 ditto;哀痛 [ai1tong4]↓;哀傷 [ai1shang1]↓;哀而不傷 (AC) deeply felt but not sentimental;哀豔 [ai1yan4]↓.(2)  Pertaining to funeral: 哀悼,哀詞 [ai1dao4], [ai1ci2], etc.↓;see 哀子 [ai1zi3]↓.(3)  Sorrowfully (oft. forming prefix to vv.): 哀求,哀祈,哀懇 beg pitifully or I beg humbly and urgently;哀告 [ai1gao4]↓;哀啟(end of letter) sorrowfully yours;哀號 cry pitifully;哀泣 weep properly at funeral;哀鳴 a cry of lament;哀慟 lament bitterly.Words1. 哀哀 [ai1ai1], excl., as in 哀哀父母 (AC) ah! my parents!2. 哀戚 [ai1qi1], adj., sorrow-stricken.3. 哀悼 [ai1dao4], v.t., to bemoan.4. 哀的美頓(敦)書 [ai1di4mei3dun4shu1], n., (translit.) an ultimatum.5. 哀告 [ai1gao4], (1) v.i. & t., announce (death, etc.); (2) n., obituary notice.6. 哀歌 [ai1ge1], n., a dirge.7. 哀鴻 [ai1hong2], phr., 哀鴻遍野 (LL) famine refugees swarm the countryside (possibly reference to encircling vultures).8. 哀詔 [ai1zhao4], n., announcement of emperor's death by his successor to the throne.9. 哀祭 [ai1ji4], v.i. & n., funeral sacrifice; sacrificial prayers.10. 哀矜 [ai1jin1], v.i., as in 哀矜而勿喜 to sympathize and not gloat over (s.o.’s mishap).11. 哀樂 [ai1le4], n., (1) joys and sorrows of human life; (2) ([ai1yUe4]) funeral music, dirge.12. 哀憐 [ai1lian2], v.t., to take pity (on child or one in distress).13. 哀厲 [ai1li4], adj., (music, song) heartbreaking.14. 哀榮 [ai1rong2], n., see N. 2↑.15. 哀傷 [ai1shang1], (1) v.i. & t., to feel grief; v.i. & t., grieve over (s.o.’s death); (2) adj., sad, heart-rending.16. 哀冊 [ai1ce4], n., formerly, official eulogy upon death of an empress.17. 哀詞 [ai1ci2], n., eulogy in rhyme of s.o.’s life at his funeral.18. 哀痛 [ai1tong4], adj. & n., deep sorrow, profound grief.19. 哀哉 [ai1zai1], excl., (AC, LL) alas!20. 哀子 [ai1zi3], n., son bereaved of mother with father living.21. 哀豔 [ai1yan4], adj., sadly touching, sad and beautiful, tragic (love story).哀哀 [ai1ai1], excl., as in 哀哀父母 (AC) ah! my parents!哀1. grief; sorrow2. mourning3. pity哀[āi]形grieved; sorrowful♦ 悲哀 名1. mourning♦ 志哀 2. pity♦ 哀怜 哀sigh sorrowfully for; lament; bewail; bemoan♦ 他~自己命运不济。 He bemoaned his fate.♦ 她的死讯引起一片~。 The news of her death caused widespread lamentation.




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