

单词 和气生财
释义 文馨英漢☞和氣生財和气生财 héqìshēngcái1) amiability begets riches (a motto for businessmen)2) compromise; conciliation和气生财héqìshēngcái(idiom) amiability makes you rich和气生财 hé qi shēng cái Friendliness is conducive to business success.; Amiability attracts riches.; An even temper brings wealth.; Good-naturedness is a source of wealth; Harmony brings wealth.; Peace breeds wealth.和气生财1. Friendliness is conducive to business success.和气生财amiability begets riches (a motto for businessmen)♦ 买卖买卖, ~。 Do business with a smile, and you'll make a pile.




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