

单词 cen
释义 CENabbr.=CENELEC详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 abbr= CENELECcen達Words3. 達摩 [da2mo2], n., Bodhidharma, who introduced the Chan (Zen) sect to China, in 6th Cen.在Words15. 在理兒 [zai4lie1er0], n., a member of a 17th cen. secret semi-religious society (理教) dedicated to the overthrow of the Manchu Dyn.蓮Words1. 蓮步 [lian2bu4], n., mincing steps of bound feet, from 步步蓮花 allu. 5th cen. prince whose favorite dancing girl left prints of lotus flower from her soles.石Words22. 石鼓 [shi2gu3], n., set of ten ancient stone drums containing inscriptions (石鼓文) variously ascribed to between 8th and 3rd cen. B.C.馬Words16. 馬吊 [ma3diao4], n., a 16th cen. card game, possibly forerunner of mahjong.談N.spec. fashion in East Jihn period (4th cen.) for cultured, esp. Taoist conversation;摩Adv.(MC 10th cen. dial. word) not, =沒,無:歸摩歸,來摩來 have returned or not, have come or not.麈N.used in leisurely conversation, called 麈談 fashionable in 3rd and 4th cen.額Words2. 額黃 [e2huang2], n., yellow painted forehead of woman, current in 六朝, 3rd to 6th cen. and in Tarng Dyn.清Words83. 清談 [qing1tan2], n., a trend in 3rd-5th cen. (魏晉清談) under Taoist influence for airy, philosophical discussions and dissociation from politics.法Words11. 法家 [fa3jia1], n., (1) The Legalist School of 4-2nd cen. B.C.; (2) (court.) professor (=方家); (3) (AC) 法家拂士 learned men and advisors.羌Initial part.(AC dial.) initial part with indeterminate meaning, found esp. in 楚辭(3rd. cen. B.C.): 羌無故實 (=了無故實) without basis in fact.八Words5. 八大山人 [ba1da4shan1ren2], n., painter of 17th cen.鎮N.a division (in army system of late 19th cen.).學Words47. 學務 [xUe2wu4], n., as in 學務大臣(19th cen.) minister of education.徘Words1. 徘賦 [pai2fu4], n., arch. form of light, ornate descriptive poetry of 4th-6th cen.僑Words5. 僑人 [qiao2ren2], n., Chinese who moved down and settled near Shanghai, Nanking during northern invasion, 4th to 6th cen. A.D.炮Words4. 炮烙 *[pao2luo4], n., (AC) form of punishment by embracing hot copper pillars recorded of tyrant king 紂 Jouh, 12th cen. B.C.匈Words1. 匈奴 [xiong1nu2], n., The Huns, Mongolian tribes in northeastern China and Mongolia, historically under various names (玁狁,匈奴,胡) 1000 B.C.-6th cen. A. D.篆N.(1)  Seal script: 大篆 “great” seal script, current generally 8th to 3rd cen. B.C.;invented by 李斯 end of 3rd cen., precursor of 隸書 [li4shu1] of Hahn Dyn.;N.Style of script, approx. from 9th cen. B.C., called “Big Juahn” (大篆) before it was simplified as “small Juahn” (小篆) at end of 3rd cen.: 文 [zhou4wen2], 書 [zhou4shu1], such script.鄉Words20. 鄉評 [xiang1ping2], phr., gen. reputation of person in home town-a method for selection of officials in 3rd-5th cen. A.D. 拼音查询“cen”,共有 7 个字,点击要查看的汉字笔划汉字拼音笔划汉字拼音7岑cén,8参cān,cēn,sān,shēn,10笒cén,10涔cén,10埁cén,11梣cén,14嵾cēn,cen.((略))central; century




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