

单词 呼扇
释义 呼扇 hūshansyn. 忽扇呼扇颤动to quiver桥板太薄,走起来直呼扇。 The planks of the bridge are very thin and wobble as you walk over them.扇风to fan拿着扇子呼扇 fanning with a fan呼扇 hū shan (口) (颤动) shake (用片状物扇风) fan林语堂当代汉英繁简☞呼搧呼扇口 1. shake♦ 过木桥时, 木板直~。 The planks shook as I crossed the wooden bridge.2. fan♦ 他摘下草帽不停地~。 He took off his straw hat and fanned himself with it.




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