cemented armour plate
cemented armour plate渗碳装甲板cemented armour plate滲碳裝甲板機械工程cemented armour plate滲碳裝甲板造船工程名詞
office of science information service,osis
office of scientific research
office of scientific research and development
office of scientific research and development--osrd
office of scientific research and development,osrd
office of scientific research,osr
office of solid fuels coordinator for war 作战用固体燃料协调人办事处
office of space sciences
office of space sciences--oss
office of space sciences,oss
office of standard reference data
office of standard reference data,osrd
office of steam power project
office of steam power project{=ospp}
office of strategic services 战略情报局
office of surface mining
office of technology assessment
office of technology assessment--ota
office of technology assessment,ota
office of telecommunications
office of telecommunications policy
office of telecommunications policy,otp
office of telecommunications 电信管制局
office of telecommunications,ot
office of the comptroller of the currency
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