

单词 周到
释义 周到1. thoughtful2. well-considered周到 zhōudao1) attentive; considerate2) thorough3) thoughtful你想得太周到了。 You are so thoughtful.周到zhōudàothoughtfulconsiderateattentivethoroughalso pr. [zhou1 dao5]周到thoughtful考虑周到 well-considered对病人照顾周到 take good care of a patient对客人招待周到 be attentive to one's guests服务周到 attentive service办得很周到 done with care他为人很周到。 He's a thoughtful person.周到 zhōu dao attentive and satisfactory; thoughtful; considerate; thorough; complete; well-considered:  服务周到 offer good service;  想得很周到 be very thoughtful;  安排得很周到 be satisfactorily arranged; be carefully worked out;  感谢你们对我们照顾得如此周到。 Thank you for looking after us so well. 周到 [zhou1dao0], adj., thorough and satisfactory (in service, hospitality).周到a.mature慎重的,周到的;明白事理的n.entertainment(招待的)周到;殷勤周到1. thoughtful; attentive; considerate周到attentive and satisfactory; thoughtful; considerate♦ 安排得很~ be satisfactorily arranged; be carefully worked out♦ 照顾得很~ take good care of sb.; look after sb. well英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Circumspection英華☞CIRCUMSPECT英華☞DELIBERATE英華☞COMPLETE英華☞DISCREET英華☞ENTIRE英華☞EVERY




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