

释义 ABCABC★◀▶呢 neI m.p.1) indicating continued state or action他在这儿呢。 He's (still) here.2) marking questions about subject already mentioned我信。你呢? I believe it. What about you?II m.p.1) indicating deliberate pause我呢,我不要。 As for me, I don't want it.2) indicating strong affirmation贵得很,要一百多块呢。 It's awfully expensive, over $100.3) inquiring about location我的书呢? Where is my book?呢 níwoolen cloth呢neparticle indicating that a previously asked question is to be applied to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?")particle for inquiring about location ("Where is ...?")particle signaling a pause, to emphasize the preceding words and allow the listener time to take them on board ("ok?", "are you with me?")(at the end of a declarative sentence) particle indicating continuation of a state or actionparticle indicating strong affirmationníwoolen material呢 auxiliary word 表示疑问used in questions他什么时候走呢? So what time is he going then?我的扇子呢? And my fan?你学提琴呢,还是学钢琴? Do you study violin or piano?孩子们呢?都到哪儿去了? What about the children? Where have they got to?他们都有任务了,我呢? They've all been assigned tasks, but what about me?表示确认事实,一般用陈述句表达used to add emphasis to a declarative sentence他们的收获不小呢。 They've reaped a lot of benefits.别急,末场电影九点钟才开映呢。 No need to rush, the last showing only starts at nine.表示继续used to indicate an action in progress有人在找你呢。 Someone is looking for you.你别走了,外面下着雨呢。 Don't go, it's raining outside.在句中表示停顿used to indicate a pause in a sentence如今呢,可比往年强多了。 Now it is a lot better than in the past.喜欢呢,就买下,不喜欢呢,就不买。 If you like it, then buy it; if not, then don't.呢 ní 名 (一种较厚的毛织品, 呢子) (cloth made of) wool; woollen cloth (for heavy clothing); heavy woollen cloth; wool coating or suiting:  大衣呢 heavy woollen cloth for overcoat;  格子呢 woollen check;  海军呢 navy cloth;  制服呢 uniform coating 另见 ne。 2) 呢(呐) ne 助 (用在疑问句的末尾, 表示疑问的语气):  你们都去, 我呢? You are all going. What about me?  我错在哪儿呢? What have I done wrong?  有人这么说, 可谁见过呢? So they say, but who has ever seen it?  怎么办呢? What should we do? (用在陈述句的末尾, 表示确认事实):  到车站还有好几公里呢。 There are still several kilometres off from the railway station.  麦子长得才好呢。 The wheat is coming along fine. (用在陈述句的末尾, 表示动作或情况正在继续):  老吴,有人找你呢。 Lao Wu, somebody is looking for you.  天下着雨呢。 It's raining now. (用在句中表示停顿):  如今呢, 可比以往任何时候都要强。 As for the present, things are far better than at any time in the past.  我呢, 骑自行车去, 你们呢, 坐汽车去。 I'm going by bike, and you may go by bus. 另见 ní。 “呐”另见 nà; na “哪”; nè。呢呢 597A10  40A.70-5  部居  畫數 8ㄋㄧˊ [ni2]  (*ㄋㄜ [ne1] ).Fin. part.(sp. pr. *[ne0]) Used in asking questions for purposes of emphasis: 這怎麼行呢 how can this do? 你為什麼不來呢 why didn’t you come? 多麼美呢 how pretty it is! 他還沒來呢 he hasn't come yet;having the sense of “how about the other?” 你去看戲,我呢 you are going to the movie, how about me?N.Woolen cloth: 呢子 woolen goods;毛呢 coarse woolens;花呢 checkered woolens;呢絨 woolens and flannels.Adj.Murmuring: 呢喃 (of swallows) twittering;(of persons) whispering.呢1. woolen textile2. a type of heavier woolen textile国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞呢--毡呢[ní]名(cloth made of) wool; woollen cloth (for heavy clothing); heavy woollen cloth; wool coating or suiting♦ 格子~ woollen check♦ 厚~大衣 heavy woollen overcoat




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