

单词 吹奏
释义 吹奏1. to play music吹奏 chuīzòuplay (wind instruments)吹奏chuīzòuto play (wind instruments)吹奏to play吹奏 chuī zòu play (wind instruments):  乐队吹奏乐曲迎宾。 The band played the guests in.  他吹奏了一首优美的笛子曲。 He played a nice tune on the flute. 吹奏法 winding method; 吹奏乐 band music; wind music; 吹奏乐队 band; 吹奏乐器 wind instrument吹奏play (a wind instrument).吹奏a.labial【音】(以唇)吹奏的n.Blow〈口〉(乐器等的)吹奏,弹奏;管乐器声blast(管乐器等的)吹奏;(雷、汽笛等的)吼鸣;吹奏声;吼鸣声;突然发出的响声vi.Blow吹响,鸣响;吹奏;〈口〉演奏爵士乐曲(可指使用任何乐器,如鼓、钢琴、号等)vt.Blow吹响;吹奏;演奏(乐器等);在…上演奏爵士音乐pipe吹奏(曲调);(吹奏管乐)引领(或指挥);(在欢迎或欢送仪式上)吹奏blast吹奏;鸣blaze〈废〉吹奏吹奏1. [Music] to perform; to play (wind instruments); to blow吹奏play (wind instruments)~乐 band music; wind music英華英華★◀▶英華☞FLOURISH英華☞Fanfare




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