

释义 吹1. to blow2. to boast吹 chuīIblow; puffIIplay (a wind instrument)你会吹笛子吗? Do you play flute?III coll.1) boast; brag你真能吹! Gosh, you can brag!2) break up (a relationship)他们俩吹了。 The two of them are no longer boyfriend-girlfriend.IVfall through (of plans)那笔生意吹了。 That business deal has fallen through.吹chuīto blowto play a wind instrumentto blastto puffto boastto bragto end in failureto fall through吹 v. 吹气;刮to blow把热茶吹一吹 blow on hot tea吹肥皂泡 blow soap bubbles吹玻璃用的器具 glass-blowing instrument吹得满处是灰土 blow dust everywhere树被风吹倒了。 The tree was blown over in the wind.吹来一阵潮湿的冷风。 A cold damp wind blew over.冷风吹得脸痛。 A biting wind blew.树叶都吹落了。 All the leaves have been blown off the trees.门被风吹开了。 The door blew open in the wind.风把小船吹到大海里去了。 The wind blew the small boat out to sea.吹奏to play吹口琴 play the mouth organ吹小号 play the trumpet吹喇叭 play the horn吹哨子 blow a whistle吹口哨 whistle吹响号角 sound the bugle<口>参见:吹牛[chuīniú]自吹为专家 call oneself an expert吹得天花乱坠 boast wildly参见:吹捧[chuīpěng]垮台<口>to fall through事情吹了! It's fallen through!他们的交情算是吹了。 They're not really friends now.吹 chuī 动 (合拢嘴唇用力出气) blow; puff:  吹火 blow a fire;  吹熄蜡烛 puff out a candle;  吹一口气 give a puff;  那个男孩在吹气泡。 The boy was blowing bubbles.  他吹掉书上的灰尘。 He blew the dust off the book. (吹气演奏) play (wind instruments):  吹长笛 play the flute;  吹单簧管 play the clarinet;  他口琴吹得很好。 He played quite well on the mouth-organ. (风、气流等流动; 冲击) blow; puff:  风吹雨打。 The wind blows and the rain beats down.  船被风吹向礁石。 The ship was blowing (blown) towards the rocks.  凉爽的微风一阵阵吹过河面。 A fresh breeze puffed across the river.  什么风把你给吹来了? What brings you here?  (口) (夸口) boast; brag:  自吹自擂 blow one's own trumpet;  先别吹, 做出具体成绩来再说。 Don't brag about what you're going to do. Get something done. (吹捧) flatter; laud to the skies:  他们把他吹上了天。 They puffed him to skies.  (口) (事情、交情破裂; 失败; 取消) break off (up); fall through:  他们俩吹了。 That couple have broken up.  我们的旅行吹了。 Our travel plan has been cancelled.  原来的计划吹了。 The original plan has fallen through.  买卖吹了。 The deal is off. 吹吹 602A55  40A.81-9  部居  畫數 7ㄔㄨㄟ [chui1]  (*ㄔㄨㄟˋ [chui4] ).V.i. & t.(1)  To blow: 風吹雨打 the wind blows and the rain beats down;吹簫,吹笛 play the fife, the flute;吹氣 blow breath;吹拂,吹虛 [chui1fu2], [chui1xU1]↓;吹口哨 or 吹哨 [chui1shao4]↓;吹糖人兒 blow sugar dolls;吹毛求疵 pick fault unfairly (like “see the mote in your brother's eye”);吹鬍子瞪眼睛 snort (“blow whiskers”) and stare in anger;吹皺一池春水,干卿底事 what has that to do with you? (from allu.--a king disapproves of a poet's line about the breeze rippling the water in the pond);不費吹灰之力 with minimum effort (less than “blowing dust” off table).(2)  To blow one's own horn, to brag: 吹牛,吹嗙 [chui1niu2], [chui1pang3]↓;吹法螺 to brag, also to blow the conch shell in Budd. ceremony.(3)  V.i., fizzle out: 這件婚事吹了 the romance has gone to pieces;這對青年男女已經吹了 the boy and girl have broken off;買賣吹了 the deal is off.(4)  (*[chui4]) In 鼓吹 to boost up s.t.Words1. 吹鞭 [chui1bian1], n., anciently, a singing whip, described as attached to a whistle.2. 吹腔 [chui1qiang1], n., a type of local opera (弋腔) with flute accompaniment, any such accompaniment.3. 吹脣 [chui1chun2], v.i., to whistle, see [chui1shao4]↓.4. 吹打 [chui1da3] ([chui1da0]), v.i., play flutes, horns or trumpets and beat drums.5. 吹風 (兒) [chui1feng1]([er0]), v.i., to start people talking: 這幾天他吹風兒說大話 he has been bragging and letting it be known.6. 吹拂 [chui1fu2], v.i. & t., (1) see [chui1xU1]↓; (2) to flap about in wind (as flag).7. 吹鼓手 [chui1gu0shou3], n., formerly, the fife and drum players at wedding, funeral.8. 吹管 [chui1guan3], n., blowpipe.9. 吹呼 [chui1hu0], v.t., to bawl at (person): 把他吹呼了一頓 gave him a scolding.10. 吹指 [chui1zhi3], v.i., to whistle with fingers in mouth.11. 吹牛 [chui1niu2], v.i., to brag (also 吹牛皮): 自己吹牛 brag of oneself; v.i., 吹牛拍馬 phr., to boast and flatter.12. 吹嗙 [chui1pang3], v.i., ditto; 胡吹亂嗙 ballyhoo.13. 吹哨 [chui1shao4], v.i., to whistle.14. 吹簫 [chui1xiao1], v.i., (1) to play the fife; (2) (LL allu.) to be a beggar, from story of 伍子胥.15. 吹手 [chui1shou3], n., see [chui1gu0shou3]↑.16. 吹噓 [chui1xU1], v.t., to praise, speak in favor of s.o., esp. to influential person.17. 吹臺 [chui1tai2], v.i., to fizzle out.18. 吹彈 [chui1tan2], n. & v.i., music for occasions (with horns and string).19. 吹筒 [chui1tong3], n., formerly, hunter's horn.20. 吹網 [chui1wang3], v.i, (Budd.) to inflate a fish net by blowing--obviously futile.21. 吹雲 [chui1yUn2], phr., to paint clouds by blowing white spots of powder over wet silk.吹n.Blow吹;吹风;疾风puff(一)吹,(一)喷;(空气、烟雾、气味等的)一股;噗的一声blowing吹;吹风;吹气vi.SET(潮水等)流动;(风)吹;具有特定倾向sit(风从某方向)吹Blow(风)吹;吹动;被吹走winnow(风)吹vt.wind吹(号角等)inspire〈古〉呼吸;吹;注入(生命等)Blow吹;吹动sweep(风)吹,刮;(浪等)冲;猛力推进吹1. to blow; to puff2. [Informal] to boast; to brag3. [Informal] (of an undertaking) to fail吹[chuī]动1. blow; puff♦ ~火 blow a fire♦ 把灯~灭 blow out the lamp♦ ~一口气 give a puff♦ 门~开了。 The door blew open.♦ 什么风把你给~来了? What brings you here?2. play (wind instruments)♦ ~笛子 play the flute♦ ~起床号 sound the reveille3. 口 boast; brag♦ 先别~, 做出具体成绩来再说, Don't brag about what you're going to do. Get something done.♦ ~得天花乱坠 boast in the most fantastic terms4. 口 break off; break up; fall through♦ 他们俩~了。 That couple have broken up.




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