

单词 吩咐
释义 吩咐1. behest2. to order3. to tell4. to enjoin吩咐 fēnfùcoll. tell; instruct老师吩咐学生做作业不要粗心大意。 The teacher told the students not to do their homework carelessly.吩咐fēnfùto tellto instructto command吩咐to instruct按照某人的吩咐 following someone's instructions你有什么吩咐? Do you have any instructions?随你吩咐吧! As you wish!母亲吩咐他早些回家。 His mother told him to come home earlier.父亲吩咐大儿子务必在月底以前赶回来。 The father told his eldest son that he must hurry back before the end of the month.我们俩做什么,请你吩咐。 Please tell us what we should do.吩咐 [fen1fu4], v.i. & t., give order, order (person), often used in courtesy, “just command me”: 聽你吩咐 will do what you say.吩咐n.telling吩咐,命令behest命令;吩咐beck(以点头或手势表示的)召唤;命令,吩咐hest〈古〉命令;训谕;吩咐vi.BID命令;吩咐beckon(以点头或打手势)示意;召唤;吩咐vt.Tell吩咐,命令,指示BID命令;吩咐instruct指示;命令,吩咐beckon(以点头或打手势)向…示意;召唤;吩咐enjoin嘱咐,吩咐,责令吩咐1. to instruct (a subordinate, a child, etc) to (do something); to order; to tell2. instructions吩咐口 1. tell; instruct♦ 父亲~孩子好生照看小马驹。 The father told his son to take good care of the foal.♦ 我们该做什么, 请您~。 Please tell us what we should do.2. instructions♦ 听候~ await instructions♦ 您有什么~? Have you any instructions to give?英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞COMMANDING英華☞Dictating英華☞DISPOSAL英華☞BESPEAK英華☞BIDDING英華☞COMMAND英華☞DICTATE英華☞ASSIGN英華☞BEHEST英華☞Befehl英華☞CHARGE英華☞DIRECT英華☞ENJOIN英華☞CALL英華☞Hest英華☞BID




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