

单词 向外
释义 向外 xiàngwài1) attr. outward2) v.p. upwards of; or more (used after a number)向外xiàngwàioutoutward向外outward向外走 go out向外探头 probe outward从门后向外看 look out from behind the door向外扩张 expand outwards向外 xiàng wài ectad; outward 向外冲程 outstroke; 向外拐弯 outcurve; 向外扩散 outdiffusion; 向外曲 arcatura (马前肢); 向外弯曲(边缘) necked-out; 向外压法 eccentropiesis向外 [xiang4wai4], adv., (1) turning or orientated outward; (2) (MC) over and above (a number); adv., (3) adj., extrovert.向外a.posticous在后的;向外的outward向外的;往外去的,外出的ad.peripherad向外;向周围,向边缘out出;向外;向室外without在外面;向外;在户外outward向外pref.ex-[构成动词]表示“出自”,“向外”,“向上”,“超出”: express, exclave, extol, excess向外1. outward2. to turn outside; to turn (sth.) out向外EN DEHORS双向☞在外--断开的 --位移的双向☞外部的--熄--向外双向☞出境--向外双向☞向外--出境双向☞外转--向外英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞FACING




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