

单词 blaze away
释义 blaze away 继续燃烧,不断地燃烧:The bonfire blazed away for hours.营火继续燃烧了几个钟头 连续射击;连续发射完(子弹等),打光(子弹等):We blazed away at the enemy.我们向敌人连续射击。 热烈地谈论,热烈急促地讲:The students kept blazing away about the travel.学生们一直在热烈谈论着旅行之事。 使劲地干,热心干:They blazed away at their work.他们努力工作。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 blaze awayphr.① (用步槍等)連續地射擊;不斷地迅速逼進We blazed away at the enemy.我們向敵人連續射擊。② 不斷地辛勤工作He blazed away at his work.他不斷地努力工作。③ 熱烈談論We kept blazing away about ideals.我們繼續熱烈地談論理想。blaze awayvi.1.fire +不停地熊熊燃烧The fire is blazing away now.现在大火正在熊熊燃烧。2.soldiers, guns +连续射击;疯狂扫射Anti-aircraft guns blazed away.高射炮不停地射击。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vi不停地熊熊燃烧搭配:[fire +] The fire is blazing away now. 现在大火正在熊熊燃烧。连续射击;疯狂扫射搭配:[soldiers, guns +] Anti-aircraft guns blazed away. 高射炮不停地射击。英英释义v.perform (an acting passage) brilliantly and rapidlyshoot rapidly and repeatedlyspeak with fire and passion同反义词同义词:blaze英汉大英汉大英汉大★◀▶英汉大☞burn away英汉大☞bang away英汉大☞through




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