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文馨英漢☞後衛后卫 hòuwèi1) mil. rear guard2) sport guard3) fullback后卫hòuwèirear guardbackfieldfullback后卫【军】rearguard足球后卫【体】guard; full back左后卫 left back突前后卫 attacking full back后卫 hòu wèi {军} rear guard {体} full back (足球); guard(篮球): 右后卫 right back; 左后卫 left back 后卫战斗 rear-guard action; 后卫阵地 the position of the rear-guard后卫a.rearguard【军】后卫(部队)的n.backcourtman(篮球队的)后卫point(板球或长曲棍球等比赛中的)防守位置;防守球员,守场员;〈澳口〉【足】后卫behind〈英俚〉(足球运动中的)后卫rear后方;【军】后卫,后尾部队(或舰队)guard【美橄】【篮】【板】后卫rearward【军】后卫,后尾部队(或舰队);后卫师后卫1. [Military] a rear guard2. [Sports] a fullback; a backfielder; a linebacker; the guard; the defence后卫full back后卫back man双向☞后挫--后卫后卫1.军rear guard♦ ~战斗 rear-guard action2.体[足球] full back; defender3.体[篮球] guard |