

单词 名片
释义 名片1. visiting card名片 míngpiàn(r)visiting/calling/name/business card名片míngpiàn(business) card名片对外交际时作自我介绍用的硬纸片,上面印有自己的姓名、单位、身份、地址、电话等name card警惕用名片行骗。 Be aware of those using name cards to commit fraud.团伙头子王张勇公然自封“郑州火车站地区综合治理办公室主任”,并印在名片上。 The leader of the gang, Wang Zhangyong, publicly appointed himself "Director of the Zhengzhou railway station area comprehensive improvement office" and had this printed on a name card.著名的影视片、唱片famous work《骆驼祥子》是根据14部老舍作品改编的名片。 Camel Xiangzi is a famous work adapted from 14 of Lao She's writings.经典影片系列:经久不衰、影响深远的中外名片100部。 Classic films series: 100 famous, timeless and influential films from China and abroad.名片 míng piàn visiting card; calling card:  交换名片 exchange cards;  肖像名片 carte-de-visite;  把名片折一角 turn down one corner of the card;  留下名片 leave one's card 林语堂林语堂★◀▶名片 [ming2pian4], n., name card.名片name card, also 片子;名片n.card卡,卡片,卡纸;房卡;电话卡;入场券;会员证;(个人或商号等的)名片;信用卡pasteboard〈俚〉名片phr.carte de visite名片名片1. a visiting card; a business card; a calling card国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞标卡--名片名片visiting card; calling card♦ 留下~ leave one's card英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Carte-de-visite英華☞Carte英華☞CARD




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