

单词 同舟共济
释义 文馨英漢☞同舟共濟同舟共济 tóngzhōugòngjìpeople in the same boat help each other同舟共济tóngzhōugòngjìcross a river in the same boat (idiom); fig. having common interestsobliged to collaborate towards common goals同舟共济to cross a river in the same boat同舟共济 tóng zhōu gòng jì cross a river in the same boat -- to pull together in times of trouble; be (row; sail) in the same boat; sail on the same tack; share with sb. in trouble; The people in the same boat (should) help each other.; Those in the same boat (should) cooperate for the same aim.; Two in distress make trouble less.同舟共济1. to show the mutual concern of the people in the same boat同舟共济cross a river in the same boat—pull together in times of trouble




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