

单词 同类
释义 文馨英漢☞同類同类 tónglèisame kind同类tónglèisimilarsame typealike同类of the same type同类专业 same type of speciality同类企业 similar enterprises同类 tóng lèi of the same kind; similar:  他俩是同类货色, 都是不可靠的人。 They are two of a kind and totally unreliable.  他和你根本不是同类型的人。 He just isn't in your league. 同类编码 isocoding; 同类编码检索 zatacode indexing; 同类交配 homogamy; 同类结 homojunction; 同类结构 homogeneous structure; 同类群 deme; 同类溶血素 isohemolysin; 同类数 like numbers; 同类调整对象 objects of regulation of the same category; 同类物品 ware; 同类系 congeneric strains; co-isogenic strains; congenic strains; 同类项 like terms; similar terms; 同类移植物 isograft; isotransplant; 同类异性物 heterotype; 同类罪行 kindred offense同类a.like相同的;同类的fellow同伴的;同类的;同事的;同阶级的akin同类的;近似的Kin同类的;类似的,相近的kindred同类的,类似的;同源的cognate性质相似的,同类的suchlike这种的;同类的,类似的;上述一类的congeneric同类的;同属的phr.ejusdem generis〈拉〉同类的(地)of a piece(与…)相似的,(与…)同类的;(与…)一致的同类1. the same kind, class, or species2. of the same kind; similar; of a kind; both of a hair同类same species同类analogy同类in kind双向☞同类--例如同类of the same kind




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