

单词 同时
释义 文馨英漢☞同時同时 tóngshíI adv./n.1) (at) the same time; meanwhile2) synchronicallyII conj.moreover; besides; furthermoreIII cons.zài A de 同时: simultaneously with A同时tóngshíat the same timesimultaneously同时同时候same time同时开始 start simultaneously同时发生的现象 phenomena that occur simultaneously同时并举 develop at the same time这是同时发生的。 This happened at the same time.我们要在继续提高产品质量、增加品种的同时,大大地增加产量。 While continuing to improve quality and add products, we want to greatly increase production.表示有所补充moreover他们是学生,同时又是先生。 They are students, and also teachers.这是非常重要的,同时也是十分艰巨的任务。 This is an extremely important and highly difficult task.同时 tóng shí (同一个时间) at the same time; simultaneously; concurrently; in the meantime; meanwhile; in the interim; per interim:  同时存在 exist simultaneously; exist side by side;  同时发生 happened at the same time; coincide; concur; synchronism (并且) moreover; besides; furthermore:  任务艰巨,同时时间又很紧迫。 The task is arduous; besides, there's not much time. 同时爆破 voney; 同时比较法 simultaneous comparison method; 同时闭合热压机 presses with simultaneous opening and closing; 同时闭合装置 simultaneous opening and closing device; 同时并进 develop simultaneously; go hand in hand with ...; 同时并举 start ... at the same time; develop ... and ... simultaneously; 同时波束定向 simultaneous lobing; 同时操作 simultaneous operation; concurrent operation; 同时操作计算机 simultaneous-operation computer; simultaneous computer; 同时测定 simultaneous determination; 同时沉积 codeposition; synchronous deposit; 同时乘法器 simultaneous multiplier; 同时出现线 isopipteses; 同时处理 simultaneous processing; concurrent processing; 同时处理方式 simultaneous mode; 同时传输 parallel transmission (数据传输); 同时传送 concurrently transmission; 同时传送三色副载波制 three simultaneous colour-subcarrier system; 同时存取 simultaneous access; 同时弹着 {军} time on target; 同时地平纬度 simultaneous altitude; 同时地震 simultaneous earthquake; 同时点火 simultaneous ignition; 同时读写 read-while-write, write-while-read; 同时对比 {摄} simultaneous contrast; 同时高度 simultaneous altitude; 同时广播 simultaneous broadcasting; simulcast; 同时行迭代 simultaneous row iteration; 同时呼叫 simultaneous call; 同时还原 coreduction; 同时加热 {冶} concurrent heating; 同时结冰线 isocrym(e); 同时结晶 syncrystallization; 同时解冻线 isotac; 同时进位 simultaneous carry; 同时掘进 advance in synchronism; 同时开采 simultaneous extraction; 同时控制 simultaneous control; 同时联播 simulcast; 同时碰撞 simultaneous collision; 同时侵蚀 {地质} contemporaneous erosion; 同时趋同 isochronous convergence; 同时扫掠制 simultaneous lobing system; 同时输入 simultaneous input; 同时输入脉冲 simultaneous input pulse; 同时输入输出 simultaneous input-output; 同时双向操作 full-duplex operation; 同时位移 simultaneous displacement; 同时系统 simultaneity factor; 同时显示 simultaneous display; 同时线 {物} isochrone; 同时写读 {计} write while read; 同时新生 synkainogenesis; 同时信号控制法 simultaneous traffic signal controlling method; 同时运算 concurrent operation; 同时置换法 method of simultaneous displacement; 同时转换器 simultaneous converter同时a.isochronic【语】同时的joint联合的,共同的;同时的contemporary同时的concurrent【律】有相等权力的;同时(实施)的synchronous同时发生(或存在、出现)的;时间上一致的,同时的ad.together同时,一齐;不间断地,接连地meantime在间隔时间里;(与此)同时ensemble一起;同时therewith此外,又;同时contemporarily同时simul(处方用语)一起,同时 (= together)n.synchrony同时(性);同步(性)phr.en attendant同时at once同时,一起in the meantime在此期间;(与此)同时at one time同时all at once同时,一起all together一道;同时real time(指事件发生及其报道或纪录几乎同步的)同时in the same breath同时同时1. simultaneously; in the meantime; in the meanwhile; at the same time; at one time; in chorus2. moreover; furthermore同时contemporaneous同时simultaneous同时synchronous同时synchronic同时synchrone同时1. at the same time; simultaneously; meanwhile; in the meantime♦ ~发生 happen at the same time; coincide; concur♦ ~存在 exist simultaneously; exist side by side; coexist2. moreover; besides; furthermore♦ 任务艰巨, ~时间又很紧迫。 The task is arduous; besides, there's not much time.




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