

单词 同归于尽
释义 文馨英漢☞同歸於盡同归于尽 tóngguīyújìnend in common ruin同归于尽tóngguīyújìnto die in such a way that sb (or sth) else also perishesto take sb down with oneselfto end in mutual destruction同归于尽to perish together同归于尽 tóng guī yú jìn perish together; All come to an end.; All perish together.; be doomed to the same fate; Both of (them, etc.) may die together.; Both sides will be doomed.; end in common ruin; end up in common ruin; end up in ruin together; get killed at one and the same time; perish with ... ; (They were shipwrecked and) shared the same fate.; turn to ashes with sb.同归于尽1. to perish together; to end in common ruin; to die together同归于尽perish together; end up in common ruin




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