

释义 同1. identical2. same3. similar4. together5. to agree6. to shareABCABC★◀▶同 tóngsyn. 仝同 tòng(胡同)同tóng(used in given names)variant of 同[tóng]tónglikesamesimilartogetheralikewithtòngsee 胡同[hú tòng]同 conj. 和and老师同学生 teachers and students我同你一起去。 I will go with you. prep. 用于引进动作的对象with有事同群众商量 discuss everything with the masses同大国沙文主义决裂 break with big-nation chauvinism同群众共甘苦 share pain and joy with the masses用于引进比较的对象as他同我一样。 He is the same as me.今年同往年不一样。 This year is different from usual.表示替人办事for我同你出个主意。 I'll think of an idea for you. v. 跟...相同to be the same as同前 same as before adj. 相同same同部族的 of the same tribe同村人 fellow villager同父异母 have the same father but a different mother异父同母 have the same mother but a different father同意义的词 synonym同时代的人 contemporary同口径的步枪 a rifle with the same calibre同一天 same day条件不同 conditions are different adv. 一齐together我和你同去。 I will go with you.同 tóng 形 (相同; 一样) same; similar; alike; like:  同类 (岁) the same kind (age);  异同 similarities and dissimilarities;  同一条战线 the same front;  质量相同 of like quality;  大同小异 alike with minor differences 动 (跟 ... 相同) be the same as:  同前 ditto;  “缒”同“锤”。 缒 is the same as 锤. 副 (共同; 一齐) together; in common:  协同作战 fight in coordination;  陪同参观 accompany sb. on a visit;  一同动身去上海 set out for Shanghai together;  同甘苦, 共患难 share weal and woe 形 (引进动作的对象, 与“跟”相同) with:  同他谈一谈 talk with him;  同国力相适应 be compatible with national strength;  同中央保持一致 maintain unity with the Central Committee (引进比较的事物,与“跟”相同) as:  今年的气候同往年不一样。 The weather of this year is not the same as that of the past years.  老人同儿童一样喜欢这部电影。 The old people as well as the children like this film.  (方) (表示替人做事, 与“给”相同) for:  我同你出个主意。 I'll offer you a piece of advice. 连 (表示联合关系, 与“和” 相同) and; as well as; with:  我同你在一起。 I am together with you. 名 (姓氏) a surname:  同谷 Tong Gu 另见 tòng。 2) 同 tòng (构词成分)见“胡同”(hú tòng)另见 tóng。林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶同同 696A45  42.42  部居  畫數 6ㄊㄨㄥˊ [tong2] N.(1)  Commonwealth: 大同世界 the world commonwealth;世界大同 the world is a commonwealth, Confucius’ ideal of human society.(2)  A surname.Adj. & adv.(1)  Same, similar: 同一 [tong2yi1]↓;相同 are alike;如同 as if;如同身受 would consider it as a personal favor to me;如同刀割 like cutting of one's own flesh;不同 be different;同樣的 similar (ly), in the same manner;同年,同月生 born in same year and month;同音字 homonym;同義字 synonym;同時 same time;同路人 [tong2lu4ren2]↓;同類 same kind, class or species;同類相殘 kill one's own kind;同列 some rank;opp. 異:大同小異 are alike with minor differences;同異 similarities and differences;同工異曲 or 異曲同工 s. t. which achieves same goal with different means;同父異母 same father, different mothers;同胞 [tong2bao1]↓;同袍 [tong2pao2]↓;同室操戈 internecine warfare;同病相憐 fellow sufferers (of same illness) understand one another;聖人先得吾心所同然 the sage discovered what was common in the human heart.(2)  Together, in common: 共同,一同 (work, proceed, leave) together;會同,協同 in conjunction or cooperation with one another;同來同去 come and go together;同坐同食 sit together, eat together;同遊 take pleasure trip together;同甘苦 fare and share alike for better, for worse;同住,同宿 live together;同居 [tong2jU1]↓;同舟共濟,風雨同舟 people “in the same boat” help each other in distress;同衾共枕 (of husband and wife) share same quilt and pillow;同床異夢 strange bedfellows, persons thrown together but each having a different problem or ambition;同聲讚許 give praise in unison;異口同聲 all agree;同一鼻孔出氣 talk exactly one like the other;同流合污 associate oneself with undesirable elements or trend;同歸於盡 all perish together;殊途同歸 reach same goal by different means (cf. “all roads lead to Rome”);同穴 husband and wife buried in same grave.Prep.With (used like vern. 和, LL 與): 他同你在一起 he is together with you;我同你去 I'll go with you;同他說話 talking with him.Words1. 同案 [tong2an4], n., formerly, one who was admitted to school in the same year in the civil service system.2. 同伴 [tong2ban4], n., companion (in travel, etc.).3. 同班 [tong2ban1], n., fellow classmate.4. 同胞 [tong2bao1], n., brothers of the same mother; term for compatriot.5. 同輩 [tong2bei4], n., person of the same generation.6. 同步 [tong2bu4], v.i. & adj., synchronize, synchronous.7. 同儕 [tong2chai2], n., (LL) fellow, colleague.8. 同情 [tong2qing2], v.i. & t., to sympathize: 同情你 or 於你 sympathize with you; v.i. & t., 同情心 n., sympathy.9. 同窗 [tong2chuang1], n., schoolmate, classmate (“same window”).10. 同道 [tong2dao4], n., person of same belief or convictions.11. 同等 [tong2deng3], adj. & n., equal, -ity; same in status, energy, remuneration, etc.12. 同調 [tong2diao4], n., person with same common purpose or taste: 引為同調 draw person into the same political group.13. 同房 [tong2fang2], v.i., cohabit; share the same room.14. 同行(兒) [tong2hang2] ([er0]), n., fellow craftsman, person of same profession; n., (2) ([tong2xing2]) v.i., go together.15. 同好 [tong2hao4], n., same tastes or hobby.16. 同化 [tong2hua4], v.t., (1) assimilate, be assimilate; (2) (of foreign tribes) adopt Chin. dress, language and customs.17. 同夥 [tong2huo3], n., fellow worker in same shop; member of group or gang.18. 同種 [tong2zhong3], adj. & n., (person) of same race.19. 同志 [tong2zhi4], n., comrade; member of same party.20. 同居 [tong2jU1], v.i., live together, esp. live as husband and wife without marriage, cohabit: 同居分爨 live in the same house, but eat separately (of relatives).21. 同僚 [tong2liao2], n., colleague in office.22. 同路人 [tong2lu4ren2], n., (communist) fellow traveller.23. 同門 [tong2men2], n., (1) pupils of same master; (2) husbands whose wives are sisters; 同門異戶 holding the same views with minor differences.24. 同盟 [tong2meng2], n., allies; 同盟國 allied nations; 同盟會 [tong1meng1hui4], China's revolutionary party which later became the Kuomintang.25. 同謀 [tong2mou2], v.i., conspire together: 同謀者 conspirator.26. 同年 [tong2nian2], phr., (1) in or of the same year; 不可同年而語 should not be mentioned in the same breath -- far inferior, now usu. 同日 (see [tong2ri4]↓); (2) graduates of the same class in the civil examinations.27. 同袍 [tong2pao2], n., comrades in the same army: 同袍同澤 ditto.28. 同人 [tong2ren2]1, n., (fellow-member) member of a group (such as cosponsors of meeting, audience being addressed in meeting).29. 同仁 [tong2ren2]2, n., ditto.30. 同日 [tong2ri4], phr., in the same day: 不可同日而語, see [tong2nian2]↑.31. 同鄉 [tong2xiang1], n. & adj., person of the same village, country or province.32. 同姓 [tong2xing4]1, member of the same clan.33. 同性 [tong2xing4]2, n., same sex; 同性愛,同性戀 homosexual, -lity.34. 同心 [tong2xin1], adj., united at heart or in common purpose; 同心同德 with one heart and one mind; 同心圓 (math.) concurrent circle; 同心結 a “lovers’ knot,” also used on Buddhist cassocks.35. 同事 [tong2shi4], n., common term for “colleague.”36. 同時 [tong2shi2], adv., at the same time, simultaneously, in the meantime.37. 同學 [tong2xUe2], n., fellow student; 同學會 alumni association.38. 同堂 [tong2tang2], n., cousin (=堂兄弟) of same family name.39. 同宗 [tong2zong1], adj., of the same clan branch.40. 同族 [tong2zu2], adj., of the same tribe.41. 同位素 [tong2wei4su4], n., (chem.) isotope.42. 同溫層 [tong2wen1ceng2], n., stratosphere.43. 同文 [tong2wen2], adj., of the same language and culture.44. 同硯 [tong2yan4], n., fellow student (=同學).45. 同樣 [tong2yang4], adv., equal, -ly: 同樣美麗,報酬 equally beautiful, equally paid.46. 同業 [tong2ye4], n., member of the same profession; 同業公會 a trade union.47. 同一 [tong2yi1], n., same: 同一方向,步伐 same direction, steps.48. 同意 [tong2yi4], v.i. & n., agree, consent: 我不同意 I disagree; 得你同意 have your consent; 同意書 letter of agreement.林语堂☞仝林语堂☞衕同conj.AND[用于连接语法上同类的词、短语或句子,表示并列或附加关系]和,与,及,同;又;并;也prep.with和…在一起;跟,同,和phr.idem quod〈拉〉同…同1. alike2. equal3. together同homo-同syn双向☞同分导构--同--[词头]等双向☞与--同--顺式〔词头〕双向☞共--顺式〔词头〕--同双向☞等--同--均匀〔词头〕双向☞ β--两}{α--同同[tóng]形same; alike; similar♦ ~年级 of the same grade动be the same as♦ “词典”~“辞典”。 “词典”is the same as“辞典”.副together; in common♦ 和工人~吃、~住、~劳动 eat, live and work together with the workers♦ 我们两国~属第三世界。 Both our countries belong to the Third World.介1. (used to indicate accompaniment, relationship, involvement, etc.) with♦ 我~你一起去。 I'll go with you.♦ 这~你没有关系。 This has nothing to do with you.♦ 这件事~他有牵连。 He was implicated in the affair.2. (used to introduce the recipient of an action)♦ 他上午来~我告别了。 He came to say good-bye to me this morning.♦ 他~我商量下一步该怎么办。 He consulted with me about what we should do next.3. (used to show comparison)♦ ~去年相比, 产量增加了百分之二十。 Output has increased by 20% over last year.4. 方 for♦ 这封信我一直~你保存着。 I've kept this letter for you all this time.♦ 别着急, 我~你想个办法。 Don't worry. I'll find a way out for you.连and♦ 老师~学生 teachers and students




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