

释义 合1. to gather2. to unite3. to combineABCABC★◀▶合 héI v.1) close; shut2) pool (efforts/etc.); join; combine3) accord with; conform to4) be equal to; amount to5) be fittingII b.f./adv.whole; together; jointlyIII m.for rounds (in bouts/etc.)IV n.1) astr. conjunction2) mus. a note of the scale in gōngchěpǔ3) sexual intercourse合 gěunit of dry measure for grain, equal to one deciliter合gě100 mlone-tenth of a peckmeasure for dry grain equal to one-tenth of sheng 升 or liter, or one-hundredth dou 斗héto closeto jointo fitto be equal towholetogetherround (in battle)conjunction (astronomy)1st note of pentatonic scaleold variant of 盒[hé]hévariant of 合[hé]合 n. 【天】conjunction【音】the fifth note of the musical scale in gongche notation and equivalent to sol in the tonic sol-fa system measure word 回合about v. 闭上to close合上书 close a book合上嘴 close one's mouth合上眼 close one's eyes结合到一起to join合住 live together合租 co-rent合编 compile in collaboration with合著 co-author符合to tally with合条件 meet requirements合心意 to one's liking不合时宜 inopportune这是不合规章的。 This does not meet with regulations.样样不合她的心意。 Nothing is to her liking.这个菜合不合你的口味? Is this dish to your liking?折合to be equal to共计to total连工带料合多少钱? How much will it cost in total, including material and tailoring?这衣服做成了合多少钱。 How much did this piece of clothing cost to make in total? adj. 全whole合城 whole city auxiliary word 应当<书>appropriate理合声明。 I deem it appropriate to make a statement.合亟通告 announce accordingly合 gě 量 (容量单位) ge, a unit of dry measure for grain (=1 decilitre)另见 hé。 2) 合 hé 动 (闭; 合拢) close; shut:  合上眼 close one's eyes;  笑得合不拢嘴 grin from ear to ear;  请把书合上。 Close your book, please. (结合在一起; 凑在一起; 共同) join; combine:  合力 combined strength; joint effort;  貌合神离 (of friends or allies) outwardly united but actually divided;  友好合作 friendly relations and cooperation (符合) suit; agree; conform to:  适合时宜 suited to the times;  糖醋鱼很合他的胃口。 Sour-sweet fish agreed very well with him.  正合我意。 It suits me fine. (折合; 共计) be equal to; add up to:  1公顷合15市亩。 A hectare is equal to 15 mu.  这件上衣连工带料合多少钱? How much will this coat cost, including material and tailoring?  (书) (应当; 应该) proper:  理合声明。 I deem it appropriate to make a statement. 形 (全; 整个) whole:  合家团聚 a reunion of the whole family 量 (旧小说中指交战的回合) round 名  {天} (会合) conjunction  {音} (中国民族音乐音阶上的一级, 乐谱上用做记音符号, 相当于简谱的“5.”) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to 5.in numbered musical notation (姓氏) a surname:  合杰 He Jie 另见 gě。林语堂林语堂★◀▶合合 1089C05  81.40  部居  畫數 6ㄏㄜˊ [he2]  (*ㄍㄜˇ [ge3] ).N.(1)  A surname.(2)  One round in fighting or tournament:戰數合 (回合) several close-in combats.(3)  A matrimonial match: 天作之合 a match made in heaven.(4)  (*[ge3]) One tenth of [sheng1] (升), a rice measure.V.i. & t.(1)  To close, shut: 一夜不曾合眼 never closed one's eyes all night;合口 (of wound) to heal, close up.(2)  Combine, join, meet, unite: 兩條合為一條 combine the two items;聚合,會合,集合 to assemble, meet together;合起來,合在一起 put (several items) together;分合 divide and combine;聯合 unite, combine;貌合神離 friends or allies apparently only.(3)  To agree, suit (purpose), match: 合得來 (the two) can get along together;落落寡合 have few friends;合他意思 please him, suit his idea;合他脾胃 suit his taste;合理,合意 [he2li3], [he2yi4]1;苟合 (a) to work together against principles;(b) to commit adultery.(4)  Sexual intercourse: 交合 ditto;野合 illegal intercourse.Adj. & adv.(1)  Fitting and proper, suitable: 合當,合該 [he2dang1], [he2gai1]↓;不合 should not (have done), also not proper;於理不合 improper, unreasonable;合法,合式 [he2fa3], [he2shi4]1↓;合則留,不合則去 free to quit if conditions are not suitable;合拍 in step.(2)  Together, jointly: 合住,合吃 live, eat together;合請,合送 jointly give a dinner, a present;合唱 sing together, sing in chorus;男女合唱 a mixed chorus.(3)  The whole: 合葬 bury (couple, parents) in common grave;合家,合府 the whole family;合族 the whole clan.Words1. 合辦 [he2ban4], v.i. & t., jointly manage or own (business); v.i. & t., p.p., jointly managed.2. 合抱 [he2bao4], phr., (of tree trunk) nearly a fathom in circumference (an “embrace” with outstretched arms).3. 合璧 [he2bi4], n., (LL) a bilingual book in parallel paragraphs: 中英合璧 s.t. which is a combination of several pieces.4. 合并 [he2bing4], v.t., combine into one (also wr. 合併); annex or absorb a country; 合併症 (med.) complication.5. 合唱 [he2chang4], v.i., (sing) in chorus; n., a chorus.6. 合成 [he2cheng2], v.t., (1) combine into (s.t.); v.t.,(2) (chem.) to form (by combining elements).7. 合氣 [he2qi4], v.i., (dial.) to quarrel: 與婆婆合氣 quarrel with mother-in-law; (cf. 和氣 90A.40 with same sound but opp. meaning).8. 合群 [he2qUn2], (1) v.i., live together as a group; (2) adj., gregarious.9. 合當 [he2dang1], vb. aux., should: 合當如此 should be so (=該當).10. 合度 [he2du4], adj., proper, of proper length or size.11. 合法 [he2fa3], adj., legal, conforming to law: 不合法 illegal.12. 合符字兒 [he2fu2ze4er0], n., (coll.) contract (=合同).13. 合該 [he2gai1], vb. aux., conformably to (law, God's will): 合該釋放 should legally be freed; vb. 合該不死 it’s God's will he did not die.14. 合格 [he2ge2], adj., qualified (for examination, contest): 不合格 disqualified.15. 合股(兒)(子) [he2gu3]([er0])([zi0]), adj. & v.i., 合股 to form partnership 合股公司 joint-stock company.16. 合乎 [he2hu1], adj., in accordance with: 合乎道理 according to reason.17. 合歡 [he2huan1], (1) v.i., to meet and enjoy; (2) n., the mimosa, Albizzia julibrissin; 合家歡 family reunion.18. 合會 [he2hui4], n., a kind of temporary mutual loan club, in which each member subscribes to a monthly sum of money, the sum going to the bidder of highest interest for that month, until all members have had their turns: 合會儲蓄公司 mutual loan and savings company.19. 合昏 [he2hun1]1, n., (1) see -[huan1]2↑; (2) (MC) toward dusk or twilight.20. 合婚 [he2hun1]2, v.i., formerly, a custom of exchanging horoscopes of boy and girl before formal betrothal (cf. 結婚 wedding, 訂婚 betrothal).21. 合夥 [he2huo3], n. & v.i., partnership; go into partnership (cf. [he2gu3]↑).22. 合掌 [he2zhang3], v.i., (Budd.) to close palms together in greeting or worship.23. 合轍兒 [he2zhe2er0], v.i., (1) get into routine, take in its stride: 剛病好,還沒合轍兒哪 just got well and has not yet got into the routine; (2) (mus.) play in time and rhythm.24. 合尖 [he2jian1], v.i., put in the final touch, as completing the top of pagoda (塔尖).25. 合鏡 [he2jing4], phr., 合鏡重圓 (of husband and wife) reunite after separation.26. 合巹 [he2jin3], v.i., to drink the nuptial cup.27. 合金 [he2jin1], n., (chem.) alloy.28. 合眾 [he2zhong4], adj., united; 美利堅合眾國 the United States of America; 合眾社 United Press International (UPI).29. 合口 [he2kou3], adj., (1) agreeable in taste; adj., (2) v.i., (MC) to quarrel; adj., (of wounds) to heal.30. 合力 [he2li4], (1) v.i., work together: 合力同心 work together in harmony; (2) n., (phys.) resultant force.31. 合理 [he2li3], adj., reasonable: 這事情不合理 this thing is unreasonable; 合理化 to rationalize, -ation.32. 合龍 [he2long2], phr., to complete work on river dam.33. 合下 [he2xia4], adv., (MC) at that time (=modn. 當下).34. 合式 [he2shi4]1, adj., suitable, of standard quality or style: 不合式 wrong in style or quality.35. 合適 [he2shi4]2, adj., suitable.36. 合十 [he2shi2]1, v.i., (Budd.) to put palms together.37. 合時 [he2shi2]2, adj., fashionable, in vogue.38. 合訊 [he2xUn4], v.i., to hold joint court trial.39. 合算 [he2suan4], adj., reasonable in price: 不合算 not worth the cost.40. 合同 [he2tong0], n., a contract.41. 合奏 [he2zou4]1, v.i., (music) to play together (as orchestra).42. 合作 [he2zuo4]2, v.i., to cooperate at a common project: 生產(消費)合作社 producers’ (consumers’) cooperative.43. 合圍 [he2wei2], (1) v.i., surround (enemy, hunted animal); (2) adj., (of tree trunk) large in circumference for one to embrace with outstretched arms.44. 合一 [he2yi1], v.i., to unite, become one.45. 合意 [he2yi4]1, (1) adj., (of a proposal, draft, etc.) pleasing, acceptable; (2) 同心合意 with one heart and mind.46. 合議 [he2yi4]2, n. & v.i., panel discussion; 合議庭 full court (law).47. 合宜 [he2yi2], (1) adj., suitable, proper; (2) vb. aux., should.林语堂☞閤合n.conjunction【天】合appulse【天】合pref.com-[通常用在 b, p, m 字母前] 表示“与”,“合”,“共”,“全”: combine, company, commonvi.steek关,合;关门vt.club缴纳;捐;募集;合(资)合1. to close2. to combine3. to suit; to agree with4. [Formal] proper; appropriate\\\\1·to close (doors)2. whole; all合conjunction合combinance合synthesis双向☞德拜{电偶极炬单位--等于1E-18静电单位--336E-03库仑公尺}双向☞密耳{英制长度单位--密位{等于360/6400度}--4微公尺}双向☞等于l/7000磅--7989毫公克}--格令{英制质量单位双向☞考得{英、美量木材或柴薪体积单位--625立方公尺}--合双向☞52E+07 卡}--合--色姆{等于1E+05 Btu双向☞991立方公尺}--合--排水吨{等于海水35立方呎双向☞18474公斤}--短吨{等于美制2000磅--合双向☞哈伯{天文距离单位--4605E+24公尺}--合双向☞甘特链{等于100甘特令--合--1168公尺}双向☞角密耳{等于360°/6400--合--37'}双向☞0582立方公尺}--等于108立方呎--叠双向☞合--公石{等于100公升--1立方公尺}双向☞合--方链{英美制面积单位--等于16方杆双向☞594公斤}--17405磅--等于双向☞合--8安匝}--吉伯特{磁通势单位双向☞914公升}--等于9加仑--合双向☞合--065克}--喱{重量单位双向☞07市亩}--英亩{等于--合双向☞ 链接--合合[hé]动1. close; shut♦ 把书~上 close the book♦ 笑得~不上嘴 grin from ear to ear2. join; combine♦ 合办 3. suit; agree♦ ~胃口 suit one's taste; be to one's taste♦ 正~我意。 It suits me fine.4. be equal to; add up to♦ 一公顷~15市亩。 A hectare is equal to 15 mu.♦ 这件上衣连工带料~多少钱? How much will this coat cost, including material and tailoring?5. 书 be proper♦ 理~声明。 I deem it appropriate to make a statement.形whole♦ ~村 the whole village名[气]conjunction




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