

单词 各有千秋
释义 各有千秋1. each shows a unique skill各有千秋 gèyǒuqiānqiūeach has sth. to recommend him各有千秋gèyǒuqiānqiūeach has its own merits (idiom)各有千秋each has its merits各有千秋 gè yǒu qiān qiū Each has its own merits.; Each has its advantages (strong points).; Each has sth. to recommend him.; Each in his own way has made an important contribution.林语堂林语堂★◀▶各有千秋 each in his own way has made an important contribution; (2) a birthday congratulation.各有千秋each has its (his, her) merits;各有千秋phr.horses for courses〈英谚〉各人情况有所不同,各有千秋各有千秋1. Each has specialized skills.各有千秋each has something to recommend him; each has his strong points




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