

单词 叽咕
释义 文馨英漢☞嘰咕叽咕 jīgūsyn. 唧咕叽咕低声讲话to whisper凑在耳朵上叽咕了几句 whisper a few words closely into someone's ear站在一旁叽咕 stand and whisper by the side小声埋怨to grumble叽咕 jī gu talk in a low voice; whisper; mutter:  他们俩叽叽咕咕地说些什么? What are those two whispering to each other about? 叽咕1. to talk in a low voice; to whisper; to mutter; to mumble叽咕talk in a low voice; whisper; mutter♦ 他们俩叽叽咕咕地说些什么?What are those two whispering to each other about?




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