

单词 可以
释义 可以1. can2. may3. okay4. that will do可以 kẹ̌yǐI aux.can; mayII s.v.1) passable; pretty good; not bad2) coll. awful; terrible她那张嘴真可以! What a sharp tongue she has!3) be worth (doing)可以kěyǐcanmaypossibleable tonot badpretty good可以可能can可以说 it can be said可以说这是唯一的出路。 It can be said that this is the only way out.可以说一切顺利。 You can say that everything went smoothly.这可以在两天内做好。 This can be finished within two days.可以想象会有什么结果 can imagine what could happen一定可以成功 can definitely be a success这一问题可以立即解决。 This problem can be resolved immediately.我可以帮助你。 I am able to help you.允许may我可以进来吗? may I come in?你可以等一下吗? can you wait for a little while?可不可以告诉他? can I tell him?决不可以骄傲自满 absolutely cannot be conceited and complacent工作可以结束了。 You can stop work.这里不可以抽烟。 Smoking is not allowed here.不坏not bad不能说特别好,但总算还可以。 You couldn't say that it was terribly good, but on the whole it was not bad.她学习得还可以。 Her studies are going pretty well.他的日子过得还可以。 He's getting along okay.这篇文章写得还可以。 This article is passable.厉害awful你这张嘴倒真可以 what a sharp tongue you have!他这人真可以,什么都不怕。 He's really awful and he's not afraid of anything.可以 kě yǐ (表示可能) can; may:  你完全可以这么说。 You may well say so.  我可以一次借两本书吗? Can I borrow two books at a time?  (口) (好; 不坏) passable; pretty good; not bad:  她的日语(知识)还可以。 She has a passable knowledge of Japanese.  (口) (利害) awful:  她那张嘴真可以。 What a sharp tongue she has got! 可以接受 acceptable; agreeable; 可以看出 it can be seen; it can be perceived; 可以理解 understandable; explicit; 可以允许 permissible; allowable; 可以受理的抗辩 admissible plea; 可以预订 bookable; 可以证明 demonstrable; able to stand the proof; that can be proved; 可以支付 as may be paid thereon可以 [ke2yi3], (1) aux. vb., may, can (esp. in vern.): 你可以去,他不可以 you may go, but he may not;可以a.OK可以的;不错的hunk〈美俚〉可以的;没问题的;满不错的int.Roger〈口〉行,可以;对,不错v. aux.can〈口〉[表示允准、请求、要求、建议等]可以[只用 could, 用于婉转的劝告或责备]该,当,可以;不妨[表示拥有某种职能、权力、论据等]有权;得以,可以[表示从内心感情上可以接受]可以,能够would可以,能够(= could)May[用于从句中表示目的](以便)能,可以[常与 well 连用,表示有充分的理由](完全)能,(满)可以[表示许可或用于请求许可]可以should[用于问句,表示征求同意、征询情况等]可以,该[用于表示目的或由 lest 等引导的从句中]可以,会could[表示过去虚拟;也作为 can 的互换形式表示现在时,但含有不确定或婉转、谦逊的意味]可以;能;可能might[用在问句中,恳求许可,语气较 may1 更婉转、迟疑]可以[用在间接引语中,相当于 may 的过去式]可以v.aux.must〈方〉[主要用于问句,表示征询]可以,可否(= may,= shall)[表示命令或强制]必须;[用于否定句表示禁止](不)准许,(不)可以shall[用在表示目的的从句中,可用于任何人称,相当于 may]可以,会[表示说话者的意图、允诺、告诫、警告、命令、决心等,用于陈述句的第二、第三人称中]一定会;必须;应该;可以phr.can do〈口〉可以,可行might as well倒不如;(满)可以may as well倒不如;(满)可以可以1. can; may; could; might; should2. passable; pretty good; not bad3. surely; certainly可以1. can; may♦ 这间屋子~住四个人。 This room can accommodate four people.♦ 你~走了。 You may go.2. be worth (doing)♦ 这个问题很~研究一番。 This question is worth looking into.♦ 这个展览我觉得倒还~一看, 可他说不值得看。 I think the exhibition is worth a visit, but he doesn't think so.3. passable; pretty good; not bad♦ 这篇文章写得还~。 This article is pretty good.♦ 她的英语还~。 Her English is not at all bad.4. terrible; awful♦ 他今天忙得真~。 He's awfully busy today.♦ 你这张嘴真~!What a sharp tongue you've got!英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Fiat (let it be done)英華☞Feasibility英華☞Creditably英華☞COMPETENT英華☞FEASIBLE英華☞EQUAL英華☞FAIR英華☞FIND英華☞Fiat英華☞CAN英華☞DO




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