

释义 叫1. to ask2. to cry3. to call4. to shout叫 jiàoI v.1) cry; shout2) call; greet3) hire; order4) name; call我叫张琳。 My name is Lin Zhang.5) cause; make风能叫船走。 The wind can make the ship go.主任叫他去开会。 The director wants him to go to the meeting.II pref. topo.topo. male (of certain farm animals) (叫驴, 叫鸡)III cov.by (in passive cons.)我叫他打了。 I was beaten by him.叫jiàoto shoutto callto orderto askto be calledby (indicates agent in the passive mood)jiàovariant of 叫[jiào]叫 prep. (被) used for various forms of expression, such as the passive voice, and different narrative points of view书叫人拿走了。 Someone took the book away.屋顶叫狂风吹掉了。 The roof was blown off in the gale.叫他把事情搞坏了。 It was ruined by him.他叫雨淋湿了。 He got soaked in the rain.你们别叫煤气熏着。 Don't gas yourselves. v. 发出声音to shout狗叫 bark猫叫 mew of a cat鸡叫 crow of a cockerel鸟叫 bird call蝉叫 chirp of a cicada大叫一声 yell小孩直叫痛。 The child cried out in pain.招呼to call把他们都叫来。 Call them all to come over here.一叫就来 come after one call有人把他叫出去了。 Somebody called him to come out.大家想叫住他。 Everybody wants to get his attention.叫你听电话。 Come and answer the telephone.雇车、点菜、买米煤等to order叫汽车 send for a car叫煤 order some coal称为;名称是to be called; to be named你叫什么名字? what's your name?他叫小明 he's called Xiao Ming这叫什么? what's this called?这东西就这么叫。 This is what you call it.那真叫好! that's really great!这叫什么学者! and he still calls himself a scholar!名叫村子,其实只有两三户人家。 It's called a village but actually there are only two or three families living there.吩咐to bid叫我怎么办,我就怎么办。 Whatever way you ask me to handle it, I'll do it that way.叫大家留下来不要走。 Ask everyone to hang around and not leave.叫他早点回去。 Ask him to go back a little earlier.容许;让to allow; to let他不叫我去。 He won't let me go.别叫小偷跑了。 Don't let the thief run away. adj. 雄性的<方>male叫 jiào 动 (人或动物等发出较大的声音) cry; shout:  大叫一声 give a loud cry; shout; cry out loudly;  狗叫 bark;  鸡叫 crow;  驴叫 bray;  羊叫 bleat;  汽笛在叫。 The steam whistle is blowing.  他们听到这事都高兴得叫了起来。 They all shouted for (with) joy when they heard it. (招呼; 呼唤) call; greet:  你的电话叫通了。 Your call has been put through.  他被叫出城去。 He was called out of town.  我在后面叫你, 但是你没有听到。 I called after you, but you did not hear.  这孩子腼腆, 不爱叫人。 The child is shy and doesn't like to greet people. (告诉某些人员送来所需要的东西) hire; order:  叫菜 order dishes (at a restaurant);  叫一辆计程车 hire (call) a taxi;  叫两吨煤 order two tons of coal (名称是; 称为) name; call:  今早有个叫高红的女孩给我打电话了吗? Did a girl called Gao Hong ring up for me this morning?  他们都管她叫“大姐姐”。 They all called her “Big Sister”.  他叫什么名儿? What's his name?  这个地方叫桃花屯。 This place was named Taohua Village.  这棉花长得真叫棒。 That's what I call a really good crop of cotton.  这能叫虚心接受批评么? Can this be called readiness to accept criticism? (吩咐; 让) ask; order; bid:  大夫叫他卧床一两天。 The doctor ordered him to stay in bed for a couple of days.  你最好叫他们到这儿来。 You'd better ask them round here.  他们叫他进去。 They bade him enter. (叫牌) bid:  他叫三个黑桃。 He bid three spades.  我叫四个方块。 I bid four diamonds. 形 (方) (雄性的, 指某些家畜或家禽) male (animal):  叫鸡 cock; rooster;  叫驴 jackass 介 (用在被动式里引进主动 者):  杯子叫小李拿走了。 The cup was taken away by Xiao Li.  叫你猜对了。 You've guessed right.  你叫雨淋了吗? Did you get wet?  庄稼叫大水冲走了。 The crops were washed away by the flood. 叫叫 581A10  40A.10-2  部居  畫數 5ㄐㄧㄠˋ [jiao4] V.i. & t.(1)  V.i., (of persons, animals, birds) to cry: 叫喚,叫喊,呼叫 to shout, yell, cry;哭叫 weep and cry;叫救命 call for help;大叫三聲 utter shrill cries;鳥叫 chirp, chirrup, twitter, warble;雞叫 the crowing of a cock;狗叫 to bark.(2)  V.t., hail, greet, call, address: 叫他老師 call him teacher;叫聲老伯 greet person as uncle.(3)  To summon, send for, order, hire: 叫局 [jiao4jU2], 叫條子 [jiao4tiao2zi0]↓;叫車 hire a car;叫菜 to order food.Words1. 叫吃 [jiao4chi1], phr., (chess) call to indicate a checkmate.2. 叫屈 [jiao4qU1], v.i., complain of unfair treatment, discrimination or undeserved punishment.3. 叫哥哥 [jiao4ge1ge0], n., a singing grasshopper.4. 叫聒 [jiao4gua1], adj., (of noise) loud and confused.5. 叫好 [jiao4hao3], v.i., (Peking opera) applaud an actor's acting or singing (“shout ‘bravo!”).6. 叫號 [jiao4hao4], v.i., to call out the numbers (of waiting cars, winning tickets, etc.).7. 叫橫 [jiao4heng4], v.i., to use strong words, speak tough language.8. 叫喚 [jiao4huan0], v.i., to yell, shout, call out.9. 叫花子 [jiao4hua1zi0], n., a beggar (also wr. 化子).10. 叫陣 [jiao4zhen4], v.i., to challenge an opponent to a fight.11. 叫街的 [jiao4jie1de0], n., a beggar roving the streets and crying for pity.12. 叫局 [jiao4jU2], v.i., formerly, send for a singsong girl to come and wait on table.13. 叫渴 [jiao4ke3], v.i., be thirsty, to thirst for water.14. 叫苦 [jiao4ku3], v.i., complain of hard lot, grunt, grumble: 叫苦連天 incessant grumbling (of one's hard lot).15. 叫驢 [jiao4lU2], n., a male donkey.16. 叫賣 [jiao4mai4], v.i., to cry goods for sale.17. 叫囂 [jiao4xiao1], v.i. & adj., raise a hue and cry; clamor, -ous.18. 叫水 [jiao4shui3], v.i., be thirsty, to thirst for water.19. 叫條子 [jiao4tiao2zi0], v.i., see [jiao4jU2]↑.20. 叫子 [jiao4zi0], n., a whistle of wood or brass.21. 叫做 [jiao4zuo4]1, v.t., (p.p.) called: 孔子叫做至聖先師 Confucius is called the greatest sage and teacher.22. 叫座 (兒) [jiao4zuo4]2([er0]), v.i., (of actors or actresses) draw capacity audiences, have good box office.23. 叫字號 [jiao4zi4hao0], phr., (1) (of business firms) winning goodwill through superior quality of goods; (2) (of persons) earning popular respect for one's exemplary conduct.叫vi.call叫,喊;(动物)鸣,啼cry(鸟、兽)鸣,叫bark(狗、狐、松鼠等)吠,叫honk(雁)叫bray(驴)叫toot(松鸡)叫bowwow(狗)叫;学狗叫,汪汪地叫heehaw(驴、骡子)叫vt.make【牌】赢(一墩牌);打出(一牌)赢一墩牌;打满(所叫牌的墩数);做成(合约);叫(王牌);洗(牌)Say〈口〉指示;叫call大声说(或读)出;喊,叫(桥牌中)叫(某一花色的牌);吊(牌);(扑克中)叫(对方)摊牌order定购;预定,叫(饭菜、饮料、车辆等)style叫,称呼BID[过去式和过去分词用 bid](打桥牌时)叫(牌)holler喊出;叫clepe〈废〉叫,传唤phr.call round叫(汽车等)叫1. (of animals) to call, including bark, bleat, crow, neigh, sing, etc.2. to shout3. to greet; to call4. to give a name叫[jiào]动1. cry; shout♦ 大~一声 give a loud cry; shout; cry out loudly♦ 汽笛在~。 The steam whistle is blowing.2. call; greet♦ 外边有人~你。 Somebody outside is calling you.♦ 你的电话~通了。 Your call has been put through.♦ 这孩子腼腆, 不爱~人。 The child is shy and doesn't like to greet people.3. hire; order♦ ~个出租汽车 hire (or call) a taxi♦ ~二百斤煤 order 200 jin of coal4. name; call♦ 人们~他小张。 People call him Xiao Zhang.♦ 他~什么名儿? What's his name?5. ask; order♦ ~他进来吗?Shall I ask him (to come) in?♦ 医生~她卧床休息。 The doctor ordered her to stay in bed.6. permit; allow♦ 他哥哥不~他去。 His brother did not allow him to go.介(used in a passive sentence to introduce the doer of the action)♦ ~你猜着了。 You've guessed right.♦ 你~雨淋湿了吗?Did you get wet?




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