

释义 口1. gob2. orifice3. stoma4. a mouth5. an opening6. unit of animals or people口 kǒu(r)I n.1) mouth2) opening; entrance3) Great Wall gateway4) hole; cut5) knife edge6) age of draft animalII m.for mouthfuls/people/wells/etc.我们家就有两口人。 There are only two people in our family.III attr. lg.lg. oral; buccal口kǒumouthclassifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc)classifier for bites or mouthfuls口 n. mouth从...口中得知 find out from从你口里说出这种话来,可真怪了。 It's really strange to hear you say something like this.口出大言 make bold claims人口population家口 number of people in a family容器的口;出入口opening瓶口 bottle mouth碗口 rim of a bowl出口 exit入口 entrance山口 mountain pass火山喷火口 volcanic vent河口 river mouth海口 seaport楼梯口 stairwell地窖口 cellar entrance在村口 at the village entrance站在门口 stand in the doorway长城的关口gate; fortified gated checkpoint in the Great Wall where traffic could pass through in ancient times喜峰口 Xifeng gate裂口opening caused by damage such as a hole or a crack堵住堤上的口 fill a crack in the embankment衣服撕了个口儿。 A hole has been torn in the clothing.伤收口儿了。 The wound is healing.刀刃blade刀没口儿。 The knife's blade is blunt.枪炮的口muzzle枪口 gun muzzle参见:口齿六岁口的马 six year-old horse口味taste管理系统department归口 return to one's former job农林口 agriculture and forestry department口 kǒu 名 (人或动物进饮食的器官; 嘴) mouth:  病从口入。 Illness finds its way in by the mouth.  祸从口出。 Out of the mouth comes evil.  良药苦口。 Good medicine is bitter in the mouth. (容器通外面的地方) mouth; rim:  瓶口儿 the mouth of a bottle;  碗口儿 the rim of a bowl;  信箱的口儿 the slit of a letter box;  罐子的口缺了。 The mouth of the jar was chipped. (出入通过的地方) opening; entrance; mouth:  出口 exit;  洞口 the mouth of a cave;  河口 the mouth of a river; estuary;  胡同口儿 the entrance of an alley;  枪口 the muzzle of a gun;  入口 entrance; inlet (有关联的部门联成的系统) department; section:  财贸口 departments of trade and finance and affiliated organizations;  文教口 departments of culture and education as a whole (长城的关口, 多用做地名, 也泛指这些关口) a gateway of the Great Wall (often used in place names):  张家口 Zhangjiakou (口子) cut; hole:  伤口 wound; cut;  衣服撕了个口儿 tear a hole in one's jacket;  茶碗缺了个口儿。 The rim of the teacup is chipped. (刀、 剑、 剪刀等的刃) the edge of a knife:  刀卷口了。 The edge of the knife is turned. (牲口的年龄) the age of a draft animal:  这匹马口还轻。 This horse is still young. (姓氏) a surname:  口禄 Kou Lu 量 (用于人):  他家五口人。 There are five people in his family. (用于牲畜, 主要是猪):  三口猪 three pigs (用于有口或有刃的某些器物):  一口刀 a knife;  一口井 a well;  一口水缸 a water vat (用于语言):  她说一口流利的英语。 She speaks fluent English. (用于口腔动作次数):  一口吞下 make a mouthful of (sth.);  他咬了一口苹果。 He took a bite at the apple. 口口 569B30  40.40  部居  畫數 3ㄎㄡˇ [kou3] N. adjunct.一口刀,劍,水缸 one knife, sword, water jar;mouthful: 扒幾口飯 take a few mouthfuls (“bites”) of rice;喝一口水 have one drink of water;一口氣 one breath;一家三口 see N.2↓.N.(1)  The mouth: 開口 open mouth, break silence;不敢開口 dare not say anything;開口得罪人 offend people every time one speak;閉口 (無言) shut up, refrain from speaking;口口聲聲 repeatedly (declare, etc.);口說無憑 verbal promise is not enough;利口,口若縣河 a great talker, make a torrent of words;口拙 not good at expressing oneself;口蜜腹劍 honey words and a dastardly heart;口是心非 false words, pretense;口誅筆伐 denounce by spoken word and writing;口授 teach by word of mouth, dictate;口講指畫 gesticulate;口渴,口乾 thirsty;出口成章 talk beautifully, a good impromptu talker;衝口而出 say without thinking, blurt out;破口大罵 denounce openly;可口,爽口 good to eat;口腔,口味 [kou3qiang1], [kou3wei4]↓.(2)  (Also as n. adjunct) number of persons: 人口,戶口 population;五口之家 a family of five (“with five mouths” to feed);大小口 the young and old counted together;倆口子 husband and wife, the two in the family;老倆口兒 the old couple;計口授田 allot land according to number of persons in the family;牲口 domestic animals, cattle, etc.(3)  Open end: 刀口 edge of knife;槍口,砲口 gun muzzle;碗口 rim of bowl.(4)  Entrance, gate, opening: 出口,入口 exit, entrance;關口,卡口 customs station;隘口 entrance to gully;河口 river mouth;海口 seaport;窗口,門口 outside of window, doorway;傷口 opening of wound;缺口 crack (in utensil);口子 a crack.(5)  A surname.Words1. 口岸 [kou3an4], n., seaport, river port.2. 口碑 [kou3bei1], n., as in 有口皆碑 (of official) enjoy great popularity among the people, also popular impression, opinion or assessment.3. 口磣 [kou2chen3], adj., (MC) vulgar of speech.4. 口沉 [kou3chen2], adj., liking food salty: 這個人真口沉 this man eats his food highly salty.5. 口腔 [kou3qiang1], n., (1) mouth cavity; (2) dialect accent.6. 口強 [kou3qiang2], adj., argumentative.7. 口器 [kou3qi4]1, n., (zoo.) mouth organ.8. 口氣 (兒) [kou3qi4]2 ([kou3qie4er0]), n., the tone of voice (angry, boding evil, timid, etc.).9. 口輕 [kou3qing1], adj., (1) eating food without too much seasoning; (2) (of cattle) young.10. 口琴 [kou3qin2], n., harmonica.11. 口臭 [kou3chou4], n., halitosis.12. 口傳 [kou3chuan2], (1) n., hearsay; (2) v.t., transmit teaching by word of mouth.13. 口齒 [kou2chi3], n., ability to talk: 口齒伶俐 fluent of speech, a good talker; 口齒不清 enunciation not clear.14. 口袋 (兒) [kou3dai0] ([kou3da4er0]), n., pocket in coat; a bag.15. 口德 [kou3de2], n., virtue of not speaking evil of others.16. 口笛 [kou3di2], n., whistle.17. 口腹 [kou3fu4], n., as in 口腹之慾 desire for creature comforts, bodily desires (eating, drinking).18. 口福 [kou3fu2], n., joy of eating, luck of having good food.19. 口供 [kou3gong4], n, affidavit.20. 口過 [kou3guo4], n., slip of the tongue, errors of speech.21. 口號 [kou3hao4], n., slogan; password, also see [kou3ling4]↓; (MC) song of eulogy at court ceremony.22. 口惠 [kou3hui4], n., empty promise without substance.23. 口紅 [kou3hong2], n., lipstick.24. 口罩 (兒) [kou3zhao4]([er0]), n., antiseptic gauze worn over mouth and nose.25. 口角 [kou2jiao3], v.i. & n., (1) bickering, quarrel: 兩人口角 two persons quarrel; (2) corner of mouth; 口角春風 praise by word of mouth.26. 口技 [kou3ji4], n., forms of entertainment by voice (ventriloquist, etc.).27. 口徑 [kou3jing4], n., diameter of opening.28. 口吃 [kou3ji2], v.i. & adj., stutter, stuttering.29. 口訣 [kou3jUe2], n., formula for incantation; instructions in rhyme.30. 口快 [kou3kuai4], adj., careless of speech: 心直口快 saying what one thinks without much deliberation.31. 口糧 [kou3liang2], n., ration (for soldiers, groups).32. 口令 [kou3ling4] (koou-'ling), n., (mil.) password; shouted order.33. 口蘑 [kou3mo2], n., a kind of mushroom grown outside the Great Wall (口外).34. 口哨 [kou3shao4], n., a whistle (吹口哨).35. 口舌 [kou3she2], n., argument; ([kou3she0]) dispute: 這事讓他知道了,又是一場口舌 if he knows it, it will cause another dispute.36. 口香糖 [kou3xiang1tang2], n., mint gum, chewing gum.37. 口涎 [kou3xian2], n., saliva.38. 口信 (兒) [kou3xin4]([kou3xie4er0]), n., message or word left or orally transmitted.39. 口水 [kou3shui3], n., saliva.40. 口試 [kou3shi4], n., oral examination.41. 口實 [kou3shi2], n., as in 授人以口實 give people basis for gossip.42. 口條 [kou3tiao2], n., (coll.) pig's tongue, used as food.43. 口頭 [kou3tou2], adj. & n., (1) oral communication, as opp. to written 口頭的話 s.t. said orally; 口頭交 (兒) nominal friend; adj. & n., 口頭禪 ([kou3tou2chan2]), n., clich? shibboleth; adj. & n., 口頭語 common idiom or phr.; (2) ([kou3tou0]), flavor, taste (of fruit, etc.).44. 口才 [kou3cai2], n., eloquence: 很有口才 is very eloquent.45. 口外 [kou3wai4], n., outside the Great Wall.46. 口吻 [kou3wen3], n., tone of speech (rather than the words actually said) revealing state of thinking.47. 口味 (兒) [kou3wei4]([kou3weher0]), n., (1) flavor of food; (2) person's inclinations in taste: 合他口味 just what he likes to eat; (fig.) what agrees with one's taste (novel, political views, etc.).48. 口音 [kou3yin1], n., pronunciation, (clear, unclear; foreign or dialect) accent: 湖北口音 Hupei accent.49. 口語 [kou3yU3], n., (1) vernacular speech: 文章口語化 to write as one speaks; (2) gossip.口a.stomatic【动】(有)口的;气门(性)的oral口的,口部的;口用的【动】口的,口侧的buccal口的;口腔的stomatal【动】(有)口的;(有)气门的n.scissure【解】(人体器官等的)孔,口mouth嘴,口;口腔(作为说话器官的)口(老虎钳等的)口gate〈俚〉嘴,口LIP嘴唇;[lips] 口,嘴portal(身体的)口,门,户chap[常作chaps] 颌;口;口颊部;猪头肉的颌颊部分mouthpiece(乐器的)吹口;(电话的)送话口;烟斗咬嘴;(容器、管子等的)口stoma【动】口;(昆虫的)气门,呼吸孔meatus道,口OS【解】口ostium【解】口,门,孔cakehole〈英口〉(人的)口,嘴piehole〈俚〉嘴,口口1. the mouth2. an entrance; an opening3. a tear; a slit; a cut4. a knife's edge口Mouth (or Mouth slit; Mouth oppening)口Mouth oppening (or Mouth; Mouth slit)口Mouth slit (or Mouth; Mouth oppening)口mouth opening口orificium口aperture口orifice口mouth口oral口port双向☞口--孔口--开度(气孔)双向☞(一)口径(二)孔--口双向☞口--孔--肛门 [禽]双向☞螺桨拱--口--孔[径]双向☞口 --喷嘴--喷口双向☞汽口门--左舷--口双向☞口--螺桨拱--孔双向☞孔--生殖孔--口双向☞气门--口--气孔双向☞泄放--肛门--口双向☞限流孔--口--孔双向☞口--嘴--口腔双向☞心孔--口--孔双向☞口--骨--锇双向☞喷火口--口双向☞人孔--口双向☞口--女阴双向☞口--管道双向☞口--通路双向☞口孔--口双向☞口裂--口双向☞口--嘴双向☞口--孔双向☞孔--口双向☞颊--口口[kǒu]名1. mouth (of a human being or animal)♦ 口述 2. opening; entrance; mouth♦ 瓶~ the mouth of a bottle♦ 碗~ the rim of a bowl3. cut; hole♦ 衣服撕了个~儿。 A hole was torn in the jacket.♦ 茶碗缺了个~儿。 The rim of the teacup is chipped.4. the edge of a knife, etc.♦ 刀卷~了。 The edge of the knife is turned.量(for family members, pigs, knives, etc.)♦ 一个五口之家 a family of five♦ 三~猪 three pigs♦ 一~钢刀 a knife♦ 一~井 a well




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