

释义 受1. to accept2. to suffer3. to receive受 shòu1) receive; accept2) endure; suffer; be subjected to3) topo. be pleasant受听 pleasant to listen to受shòuto receiveto acceptto suffersubjected toto bearto standpleasant(passive marker)受 v. 接受to receive受教育的权利 right to receive education受过教育的人 educated person受技术训练 receive technical training受欢迎的客人 welcomed guest受他领导的机构 organization led by him受之有愧 unworthy of受之无愧 worthy of这本书一度大受欢迎。 This book was once very popular.我受过他的不少帮助和好处。 I have received a lot of help from him.遭受to suffer觉得很受委屈 feel one has suffered a grievance受攻击 suffer an attack受申斥 suffer a reprimand受人侮辱 suffer people's insults受诱惑 suffer temptation受官僚主义的压制 suffer bureaucratic suppression受战争威胁 suffer the threat of war受监视 be under surveillance受人利用 suffer exploitation受审讯 suffer interrogation受旱地区 suffer drought庄稼受了虫害。 The crops have been damaged by insects.忍受;禁受to bear; to endure受饥受冻 endure hunger and cold受考验 endure an ordeal受不住刑 unable to bear torture受不住尖锐批评 can't bear sharp criticism受不了这种欺负和侮辱 can't bear this type of bullying and abuse桥梁受不住这么大的压力。 The bridge can't bear such huge pressure.痛得受不住 unable to bear the pain我什么都受得了。 I can endure anything.那些苦真够他受的。 He has suffered enough hardship.适合<方>to be pleasant受吃 pleasant to eat受喝 pleasant to drink受听 pleasant to the ear受 shòu 动 (接受) receive; accept:  受教育 receive an education;  受礼 accept gifts;  在那里我们受了几星期的集中训练。 There we received several weeks of intensive training. (遭受) suffer; be subjected to:  受法律制裁 be dealt with according to law;  受损失 suffer losses;  他的名誉受到损害。 He suffered in his reputation.  他受到严厉的批评。 He was subjected to severe criticism. (忍受; 禁受) stand; endure; bear:  受不了 cannot bear; be unable to endure;  你受得住这疼痛吗? Can you stand the pain?  这种侮辱他就是受不了。 He just couldn't bear with such insults.  (方) (适合) be pleasant:  受看 be pleasant to look at;  受听 be pleasant to hear 林语堂林语堂★◀▶受受 1169A20  90.82  部居  畫數 8ㄕㄡˋ [shou4] Vb. aux.Equiv. Eng. “be” in passive voice where the modn. 被 is more common: 受開除 (=被開除) be dismissed;受打,受罵 be beaten, scolded;受枉屈 be wronged;受選,受任 elected, appointed;受封 be appointed with title;(where passivity is not emphasized, the 受 or 被 is oft. dropped, as 學生 (受) 開除了 student is expelled;門開了 door is opened;行人擋住了 pedestrians are blocked;in this case, the v.t. is always a p.p.).V.i. & t.(1)  to accept: 接受,收受 accept (gift, appointment);受理 [shou4li3]1↓;受俘 (AC) receive prisoners of war;受賄 accept bribe.(2)  To bear, stand, suffer: 受不了,受不起,受不得,受不住 cannot stand (noise, repeated begging, etc.);受苦,受難,受氣 [shou4ku3], [shou4nan4], [shou4qi4]↓;忍受 bear with patience, suffer (pain);難受 adj., hard to bear, irritating, painful;感受 to experience (pleasure, pain), feel (difficulty, cold, fright, etc.).(3)  To be worthy of (look, hearing, eating): 受看,受聽,受吃 [shou4kan4], [shou4ting1], [shou4chi1]↓;受用 [shou4yong4]↓.Words1. 受 [shou4bie3], v.i., (coll.) be discomfited, get oneself into a bad fix.2. 受病 [shou4bing4], v.i., fall sick.3. 受茶 [shou4cha2], v.i., formerly, (girl's family) receives gifts of betrothal.4. 受潮 [shou4chao2], v.i., be affected by damp and cold.5. 受氣 [shou4qi4], v.i., suffer petty annoyances: 受氣包兒 person subjected to daily persecutions.6. 受寵 [shou4chong3], v.i., receive favor from superior: 受寵若驚 overwhelmed by superior's favor.7. 受吃 [shou4chi1], adj., good to eat, palatable, tasty.8. 受持 [shou4chi2], v.i., (Budd.) to believe and hold on to the faith.9. 受屈 [shou4qU1], v.i., suffer an injustice.10. 受害 [shou4hai4], v.i., (1) be murdered; (2) to suffer: 受害不淺 badly misguided or ill-advised.11. 受寒 [shou4han2], v.i., be affected by cold, catch cold.12. 受教 [shou4jiao4], v.i., be taught; receive instructions or guidance, be benefited by advice.13. 受戒 [shou4jie4], v.i., (Budd.) take oaths as monk.14. 受精 [shou4jing1], v.i., (woman) conceives; be fertilized.15. 受知 [shou4zhi1], v.i., to be recognized (for one's talent).16. 受看 [shou4kan4], adj., good to look at.17. 受苦 [shou4ku3], v.i., to suffer.18. 受累 [shou4lei3], v.i., (1) to be involved on account of s.o. else; (2) ([shou4lei4]) suffer hardships.19. 受理 [shou4li3]1, v.i., (of court) accept a complaint.20. 受禮 [shou4li3]2, v.i., receive a gift, acknowledge salute.21. 受命 [shou4ming4], v.i., to be ordained or appointed to post; to benefit by friendly counsel; 受命於天 rule by the grace of God.22. 受難 [shou4nan4], v.i., to suffer hardships, die a martyr.23. 受騙 [shou4pian4], v.i., be cheated.24. 受辱 [shou4ru4], v.i., be humiliated.25. 受禪 [shou4shan4], v.i., (AC) accept transfer of government from previous ruler other than by inheritance.26. 受傷 [shou4shang1], v.i., be injured.27. 受審 [shou4shen3], v.i., be tried at court.28. 受性 [shou4xing4], v.i., (LL) be born (clever, stubborn, etc.; modn. 生性).29. 受洗 [shou4xi3], v.i., be baptized.30. 受刑 [shou4xing2], v.i., suffer torture.31. 受暑 [shou4shu3], v.i., be affected by heat, have sunstroke.32. 受胎 [shou4tai1], v.i., become pregnant.33. 受聽 [shou4ting1], adj., good to hear.34. 受托 [shou4tuo1], v.i., be entrusted to do s. t. by friend (also wr. 託).35. 受罪 [shou4zui4], v.i., suffer (as from heat, exposure, crowded conditions): 我在受罪 I am suffering.36. 受業 [shou4ye4], n., (oft. court. in self-reference) your pupil; a pupil.37. 受益人 [shou4yi4ren2], n., beneficiary; 受益權 beneficial rights.38. 受孕 [shou4yUn4], see [shou4tai1]↑.39. 受用 [shou4yong4], adj., physically comfortable, enjoyable: 很受用 very enjoyable (a good concert, new fur coat).受 [shou4bie3], v.i., (coll.) be discomfited, get oneself into a bad fix.受vt.take受(寒);患(病)bear忍受;[一般用于否定句或疑问句]忍,受;愿finger受(贿)fake〈俚〉受(贿)受1. to receive; to accept2. an indicator for the passive voice3. to bear; to endure4. to be subjected to受[shòu]动1. receive; accept♦ ~教育 receive an education♦ 这种新产品很~欢迎。 The new product has been well received.2. suffer; be subjected to♦ ~损失 suffer losses♦ ~压迫 suffer oppression♦ ~监督 be subjected to supervision♦ ~法律制裁 be dealt with according to law3. stand; endure; bear♦ 真够~的。 This is really hard to put up with. or It's really unbearable.4. be pleasant♦ ~听 be pleasant to hear




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