

释义 取1. to get2. to take3. to obtain取 qǔ1) take; get; obtain我去取行李。 I'll go and get the luggage.2) select3) adopt; assume; choose4) aim at; seek取qǔto taketo getto chooseto fetch取 v. 拿到手里to take从银行里取款 make a withdrawal from the bank取一笔存款 withdraw a deposit从车站取行李 get one's luggage from the station回家取衣服 go home to get one's clothes取之于民,用之于民 from the people, to the people招致to obtain取快一时 take momentary pleasure采取,选取to adopt取其精华 select only the best不足取 unworthy在这种问题上不能取中立态度 cannot adopt a neutral position about this kind of issue取 qǔ 动 (拿到身边) take; get; fetch:  去银行取款 go and draw some money from the bank;  把行李条给我, 我去给你取。 Give me the luggage check and I'll get it for you.  请把我抽屉里的磁带取来。 Fetch me the tape from my drawer, please.  他们把图片取了下来。 They got the pictures down.  我来取自行车。 I came to collect my bike.  (得到; 招致) aim at; seek:  咎由自取 bring trouble on oneself; have only oneself to blame;  取信于人 win confidence;  自取灭亡 court destruction; draw ruin upon oneself (采取; 选取) adopt; assume; choose:  不无可取之处 not without sth. to recommend it;  不足取 inadvisable; undesirable;  给孩子取个名儿 choose a name for a child; give a name to a child;  可取 advisable; desirable;  取慎重(中立)态度 adopt a cautious (neutral) attitude 名 (姓氏) a surname:  取希作 Qu Xizuo 取取 529C30  31S.82-3  部居  畫數 8ㄑㄩˇ [qU3] V.t.(1)  To take, get, obtain: 取得同意 get s. o.’s consent;取得學位 get an academic degree;不取分文 will not take a cent--gratis;非分 ([fen4]) 不取 will not take what is improper;予取予求 phr., rapacious, demand everything.(2)  Oft. preceded by another vb. to indicate various forms of obtaining (by seizure, seeking, picking, etc.): 獵取 hunt (game);追取 to pursue;尋取,覓取 look for;攻取,奪取 attack (territory), rob;獲取 obtain in gen.;採取 adopt (policy).(3)  Aim for, select for specific reason: 取其便 choose it for its convenience;從中取利 make a profit for oneself in some deal;取涼,取快,取樂,取巧 [qU3liang2], [qU3kuai4], [qU3le4], [qU3qiao3]↓;取便 for convenience;取其外貌 select a person by his looks;取友 select friends;取人之善 take a person's good points.(4)  To pass in examinations: 選取 select talents as by examinations;錄取,考取了,被取 pass in examinations;正取,備取 pass on regular, on reserve list.(5)  Approve: 可取 commendable;一無可取 nothing to recommend (person, course of action).(6)  (AC) used as var. of 娶 to marry.Vb. complement.Esp. in poetry: 記取 remember (=記得);聽取意見 hear different opinions;看取 to see.Words1. 取保 [qU2bao3], v.i., ask s.o. to act as guarantor.2. 取便 [qU3bian4], (1) V.i., do as one pleases without restraint; (2) phr., so as to facilitate: 取便宣傳 to facilitate propaganda: 取便 (=以便) 推銷 in order to facilitate distribution (of goods).3. 取償 [qU3chang2], v.i., to be reimbursed for cost or labor.4. 取巧 [qU3qiao3], v.i., to take short cut, choose the easy way, not the orthodox way.5. 取齊 [qU3qi2], v.i., (1) to fall in line; (2) to take as measure: 衣服長短,照舊樣取齊 take the old dress as sample; 東西多少,要拿錢取齊兒 how much one will buy depends on how much one is willing to spend.6. 取道 [qU3dao4], adv., by way of (Shanghai, Nanking, etc.).7. 取燈兒 [qU3deng1er0], n., (Peking dial.) matches (also 洋取燈兒).8. 取得 [qU3de2], v.t., obtain (consent, sympathy, doctor's degree, wealth and position, etc.).9. 取締 [qU3di4], v.t., to ban (publications, etc.); deprive (person) of certain rights.10. 取法 [qU2fa3], v.t., copy s.o. as example.11. 取告 [qU3gao4], v.i., (AC) take leave (=告假);12. 取和兒 [qU3he2er0], v.i., go for peaceful settlement.13. 取回權 [qU3hui2qUan2], n., right of recovery.14. 取給 [qU3ji3], v.i., to lean for support of living: 取給於人 depend on s.o. for support.15. 取決 [qU3jUe2], v.i., to make decision: 由他取決 let him make the final decision.16. 取快 [qU3kuai4], adv., for pleasure, for the fun of it.17. 取樂 (兒) [qU3le4]([er0]), v.i., (do s. t.) to have fun: 罵人取樂 criticize others as a pastime.18. 取涼 [qU3liang2], v.i., to enjoy the cool shade.19. 取錄 [qU3lu4], v.t., to pass (person) at examinations; to admit after test.20. 取名 [qU3ming2], v.i., to be given a name, be called (Paul, James, etc.).21. 取譬 [qU3pi4], v.i., to give example, cite analogies: 能近取譬 can explain by simple analogy.22. 取擾 [qU3rao3], v.t., (court.) to bother s. o. (=打擾).23. 取容 [qU3rong2], v.i., to aim at pleasing s. o.24. 取舍 (捨) [qU3she3], n., the power of judgment, of taking or rejecting.25. 取勝 [qU3sheng4], v.i., (1) desire to excel; (2) to win victory.26. 取消 [qU3xiao1], v.t., to cancel (promise, reservation, treaty, etc.).27. 取笑 (兒) [qU3xiao4]([er0]) v.i. & t., to make fun, make fun of person.28. 取士 [qU3shi4], v.i., select scholars for government service.29. 取材 [qU3cai2], v.i., to get material (for writing) from.30. 取次 [qU3ci4], adv., (1) (MC) in order, one by one; (2) (MC) casually (=造次).31. 取問 [qU3wen4], v.t., to cross-examine (accused, witness).32. 取義 [qU3yi4], phr., to prefer right to might: 捨生取義 to die for principle.33. 取盈 [qU3ying2], phr., (1) to strive for satisfaction; (2) (AC) to require that tax assessments be paid in full.34. 取友 [qU3you3], v.i., to select friends by certain standards.35. 取悅 [qU3yUe4], v.t., to please (person), to curry popularity: 取悅於人.取n.take拿,取,得fetch拿;取taking拿,取;获得superscription【医】处方标记(处方上的符号 R),取vt.take拿,取;夺取,攻取collect(去)取;接lift(从物体表面)取(指印)取1. to get; to take2. to select取get双向☞取--烹调法--食谱双向☞取--截取--萃取双向☞取--萃取--截取双向☞处方--配方--取取[qǔ]动1. take; get; fetch♦ 请把灯泡~下来。 Please take the bulb off.♦ 她回去~行李去了。 She's gone back to fetch her luggage.♦ 我来~自行车。 I came to get (or collect) my bike.♦ 上银行~钱 go and draw some money from a bank2. aim at; seek♦ 取乐 3. adopt; assume; choose♦ ~慎重态度 adopt a cautious attitude♦ ~个吉利 for good luck




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