

单词 发难
释义 文馨英漢☞發難发难 fānàn1) rise in revolt; launch an attack在会上,队长首先向小王发难。 The team leader was the first to attack Little Wang at the meeting.2) raise difficult questions发难fānànto rise in revoltto raise difficult questions发难发动反抗;发动叛乱to start a resistance; to launch a rebellion辛亥革命在武昌首先发难。 The Wuchang Uprising started the Xinhai Revolution.问难<书>to ask difficult questions提问发难 put difficult questions to发难 fā nàn rise in revolt; launch an attack; be the first to start revolt发难[fā nàn]1.发动反抗或叛乱 rise in revolt; start a rebellion:辛亥革命在武昌首先发难。The first attack of the Revolution of 1911 was launched in Wuchang. 2.〈书 fml.〉问难 raise a difficult question; start discussion on a doubtful or difficult point:提问发难 raise questions about one's view发难1. to rise in revolt; to launch an attack发难1. rise in revolt; launch an attack2. 同〖问难〗




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