

单词 发蔫
释义 发蔫 fāniān(r)coll.1) fade; wither; shrivel2) be listless/spiritless发蔫fāniānto wiltto droopto appear listless发蔫花木等萎缩to wilt发蔫的水果 withered fruit由于炎热花发蔫了。 The plants withered in the heat.几天没浇水,月季花有些发蔫了。 The Chinese rose has wilted a bit after not being watered for several days.精神不振to be listless他这两天有点发蔫,不像往日爱说爱笑。 Over the past few days he's been rather listless. He's nothing like his usual talkative self.发蔫[fā niān]1.花木、水果等显现出萎缩 (of flowers, plants, fruits, etc.) fade; wither; droop; shrivel up:几天没浇水,海棠花有些发蔫了。Not having been watered over the past few days, the Chinese flowering crab apple withered. 2.表现出精神不振 spiritless; listless; downcast:他这两天有点发蔫,不像往日爱说爱笑。He looks a bit listless recently, and has not been talking animatedly and laughing merrily as he usually does.




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