

单词 发热
释义 文馨英漢☞發熱发热 fārè1) give out heat; generate heat2) have a fever3) be hotheaded4) Ch. med. have hot sensations发热fārèto have a high temperaturefeverishunable to think calmlyto emit heat发热参见:发烧[fāshāo]病人在发热。 The patient is feverish.产生热量to give off heat摩擦发热 frictional heating谷物和煤炭堆久了会发热。 Grain and coal will give off heat when stored for long periods.某些天体会发光发热。 Certain celestial bodies give off light and heat.不冷静to be hot-headed头脑发热 lose one's head发热 fā rè (发出热量) give out heat; generate heat; heating; warming (发烧) have a fever; fervescence; fever heat; fever; pyrexia:  我好像有点儿发热。 I feel as if I'm running a fever. (不冷静) be hotheaded  pyreto- 发热舱 fever cabinet; fever box; 发热醇 farrerol; 发热硅铁 silex; 发热锅炉 heat recovery boiler; 发热回火 exotemp; 发热混合料 exothermic mixture; 发热剂 exothermic compound; exothermal agent; heat-generating agent; 发热记录 pyretography; thermography; 发热量 heat productivity; calorific capacity; heating value; 发热疗法 fever therapy; 发热能力 heating power; heat-producing capability; 发热期 hot stage; pyrogenetic stage; stage of fervescence; 发热绕组 heated winding; 发热试验 heat run; heat-run test; temperature run; 发热贴片 exothermic padding; 发热涂料 exothermic paint; 发热物质 pyrogen; 发热限制 heating limit; thermal limit; 发热效应 heating effect; 发热药 febrifacient; 发热元件 heater element; heating element; 发热值 calorific value; 发热治疗机 hypertherm发热[fā rè]1.温度增高;产生热量 give out heat; generate heat:恒星本身发光发热。Fixed stars emit light and heat by themselves. 2.发烧 run a fever; have a temperature 3.〈比喻 fig.〉不冷静,不清醒 impulsive; hotheaded:头脑发热 be hotheaded; be impetuous发热a.euthermic发热的;增温的febrific〈古〉发热的;发热性的,致热的burning发热的;白炽的;火热的;火辣辣的radiant【物】发光的;发热的;辐射的;(发出)辐射热的feverish有热病症状的;发热的,发烧的febrile热性的;发热的fevered发热的,发烧的pyrogenic(尤指在体内)发热的;致热的;由热引起的pyretic【医】发热的;热病的n.calorification(动物的)产热,发热heat热的感觉;(身体的)发热;(皮肤的)发烫fever发热,发烧;热度vi.fire发热;发红;发亮heat变热;变暖;发热burn发热,发烧;发光,发亮vt.fire使发光;使发红;使发亮;使发热phr.fever heat发热(指发烧时的体温)发热1. to give out heat2. to have a fever; to have a temperature发热febrility; feverishness发热evolution of heat发热heat generation发热calorification发热febrile发热pyrexia双向☞发热--体热过高--发烧双向☞发光--辉光--灼热双向☞取暖--发热--加热双向☞热--发热--发烧双向☞发热--体温过高双向☞发热--热病的双向☞发热--发烧双向☞发热--热病发热1. have (or run) a fever; have (or run) a temperature♦ 我好像有点儿~。 I feel as if I'm running a fever.2. give out heat; generate heat♦ 恒星本身发光~。 A fixed star can emit light and heat by itself.3. be hotheaded; be impetuous♦ 别头脑~! Don't be so impetuous !~量 [化]calorific capacity




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