

单词 反证
释义 文馨英漢☞反證反证 fǎnzhèngdisproof; counterevidence反证fǎnzhèngdisproofrebuttalreductio ad absurdum反证相反的证据counter-evidence从反面证明to prove by contradiction反证 fǎn zhèng (可以驳倒原论证的证据) disproof; counterevidence:  甚至反证摆在眼前, 他仍不能相信。 He could not believe even with the disproof before his eyes. (用反证明) give (furnish) counterevidence反证[fǎn zhèng]1.可以驳倒原论证的证据 disproof; counter evidence 2.由证明与论题相矛盾的判断是不真实的来证明论题的真实性,是一种间接论证 counterevidence; indirect method of proving the truthfulness of a proposition by demonstrating the falseness of its counter argument反证n.rebutter反驳;反证instance〈古〉例外,反证rebuttal反证disproof反证;反驳counterevidence反证反证1. a disproof; counterevidence; a rebuttal; negative evidence; evidence to the contrary反证counter-proof; disproof反证Falsification反证disproving反证disprove反证disproof; counterevidence~法 reduction to absurdity; reductio ad absurdum




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