

单词 反正
释义 反正1. anywayABCABC★◀▶反正 fǎnzheng1) adv. anyway; anyhow; in any case反正沿着这条路一直走就会到。 Anyhow, if you go along this road, you'll get there.2) conj. since; as反正 fǎnzhèng1) n. rebel turning to join government's side2) v. come out from the enemy's side反正fǎnzhènganywayin any caseto come over from the enemy's side反正复归于正道to restore order拨乱反正 bring order out of chaos投到己方to come over from the enemy's side总是anyway反正结果一样。 Anyway the result is the same.不管你怎么说,反正他不会答应。 No matter what you say, he still won't agree.反正去不去都是一样。 Whether you go or not makes no difference.反正得这样做。 I have to do it like this anyway.表示坚决肯定的语气after all你别着急,反正不是什么要紧的事。 Don't worry, after all it's not an important matter.无论如何in any case反正事实总是事实。 Facts are facts in any case.反正 fǎn zhèng (敌方人员投诚) come over from the enemy's side 2) 反正 fǎn zheng anyway; anyhow; all the same; in any case:  不管怎么样,反正我们今天必须完成这项工作。 Come what may, we must finish this work today.  反正得去一个人, 就让我去吧! Since someone has to go anyway, let me go.  反正我不喜欢它。 Anyhow I don't like it.  他的孩子究竟多大我不清楚,反正不超过20岁。 I don't know just exactly how old his child is, but certainly not older than twenty.  他们家一个弹钢琴的, 一个拉小提琴的, 一个唱歌的,反正都是搞音乐的。 In their family, one plays the piano, another plays the violin, and the third is a singer; in short, they are all musicians. 反正 [fan3zheng4]2, adv., anyway: 反正他是逃不了 anyway he cannot escape.反正[fǎn zhèng]1.指复归于正道 restore things to order; put things back on the right track:拨乱反正 bring order out of chaos 2.敌方的军队或人员投到己方 (of troops or personnel) come over from the enemy's side反正[fǎn zhèng]〈副词 adv.〉1.表示情况虽然不同而结果并无区别 [used to indicate the same result in spite of different circumstances]:反正去不去都是一样。It makes no difference whether (you) go or not.不管你怎么说,反正他不答应。Whatever you say, he will not agree. 2.表示坚决肯定的语气 indicating certainty or resolution:你别着急,反正不是什么要紧的大事。Don't worry; in any event it's nothing important.反正1. to come over from the rebel's camp2. one way or another; at least反正1. come over from the enemy's side2. (often used correlatively with 不管, 无论, etc.) in any case; at any rate; anyway♦ 不管怎么样, ~工作不能停。 Come what may, the work must go on.♦ 无论你怎么说, ~我不答应。 No matter what you say, I won't agree .3. since; as♦ ~得去一个人, 就让我去吧!Since someone has to go anyway, let me go.




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