

单词 反映
释义 反映1. to glass2. to reflect反映 fǎnyìng1) reflect; mirror2) report; make known反映大家的意见 report everyone's opinions反映fǎnyìngto mirrorto reflectmirror imagereflection(fig.) to reportto make knownto render反映表现出来to reflect现实的反映 reflection of reality在文学中反映人民的生活 reflect people's lives through literature向上级报告to report向领导反映情况 report the situation to one's superior他反映的意见值得重视。 The points he has raised are worthy of consideration.【生物】reflex反映 fǎn yìng (反照,比喻把客观事物的实质表现出来) reflect; reflex; mirror:  时代的反映 mirror of the times;  用传统国画手法反映祖国的新面貌 use the traditional style of painting to represent the new face of our country;  法律应该是人民意志的反映。 A law should be a reflex of the will of the people.  他们的行动清楚地反映了他们的思想。 Their actions clearly reflect their thoughts.  这个决定反映了广大人民的根本利益。 This decision represents the fundamental interests of the people.  一定的文化是一定社会的政治和经济的反映。 Any given culture is a reflection of the politics and economics of a given society. (报告上级) report; make known:  向上级反映 report to the higher level;  把情况如实反映上去 report true conditions or circumstances to a higher level;  我将经常向你反映进度。 I'll keep you informed of the progress made. 反映电抗 reflected reactance; 反映电阻 reflected resistance; 反映像 reflected image; 反映原理 principle of reflection反映 [fan3ying4]2, v.i. & n., reflect, -tion (of light, character, period).反映[fǎn yìng]1.反照 reflect; mirror;〈比喻 fig.〉把客观事物的实质表现出来 reveal the essence of sth.:这部小说反映了现实的生活和斗争。This novel reflects real life and struggle. 2.把情况、意见等告诉上级或有关部门 report on; inform authorities or department concerned of a situation, opinions, etc.:把情况反映到县里 report the situation to county leaders他反映的意见值得重视。Opinions he reported merit attention. 3.指有机体接受和回答客观事物影响的活动过程 reaction; (of an organism) active process of receiving and responding to the impact of actual events反映a.reflective反射的;反照的;反映的n.reflection反映;表达,抒发reflex反映;体现,表示vt.image反映glass反射,反映reflect反映;表明,显示mirror反映反映1. to reflect; to mirror; to image2. [Formal] to express opinion to a higher echelon双向☞{光波、声波}反射--反思--反射[作用]双向☞回复--反射--反射作用双向☞镜像--映射同步--反映双向☞反射波--反省--反映双向☞反光镜--反映--镜双向☞反演--反映--转换双向☞反照--反射--反映双向☞影像--映像--想像双向☞--反映--反射双向☞反射--反映双向☞反映--镜反映1. reflect; mirror♦ 这张报纸~知识分子的看法和意见。 The newspaper reflects the intellectuals' views and opinions.♦ 这部小说真实地~了拓荒者的生活。 This novel gives a faithful representation of (or is a mirror of) the life of the pioneers.2. report; make known♦ 向上级~ report to the higher level♦ 把群众的呼声及时地~上去 transmit the voices of the people to the leading bodies without delay




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