

单词 反唇相讥
释义 文馨英漢☞反唇相譏反唇相讥 fǎnchúnxiāngjīsyn. 反唇相稽反唇相讥fǎnchúnxiāngjīto answer back sarcastically (idiom)to retort反唇相讥to answer back sarcastically反唇相讥 fǎn chún xiāng jī answer back sarcastically; answer with sarcastic rebuttal; bicker with each other; dispute with each other; do back-chat; pay in the same coin and hold sb. up to ridicule; retort like for like (sarcasm for sarcasm; ridicule for ridicule); throw back an insinuation; say sth. in retort:  当儿子反唇相讥的时候, 父亲再也不能控制自己了。 The father could no longer control himself when his son threw back an insinuation. 反唇相讥[fǎn chún xiāng jī]受到指责不服气而反过来讥讽对方(《汉书·贾谊传》原作‘反唇而相稽’,稽:计较)answer back sarcastically when unconvinced by criticism, a phrase that stems from 反唇而相稽 fǎn chún ér xiāng jī in History of Han·Biography of Jia Yi;稽 jī meaning argue, dispute反唇相讥1. to recriminate; to answer back sarcastically; to say in retort; to retort sarcasm against sb.反唇相讥answer back sarcastically




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