

单词 反哺
释义 反哺1. to pay filial piety to one's parents反哺 fạnbǔsyn. 返哺反哺fǎnbǔto support one's parents in their old ageto show filial pietyto to repayto return a favor反哺to support one's parents in their old age反哺之情 sense of responsibility to one's elderly parents反哺 [fan2pu3], v.i., (of black crow reputed to) feed its parents.反哺[fǎn bǔ] 传说雏乌长大后,衔食喂母乌 According to legend, a chick will feed its mother when it has grown up.〈比喻 fig.〉子女长大奉养父母 Children support and look after their parents when they grow up:反哺之情 filial piety




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