

单词 及早
释义 及早1. betimes2. as soon as possible及早 jízǎoat an early date; as soon as possible有问题要及早问老师。 If you have questions, ask the teacher as soon as possible.及早jízǎoat the earliest possible timeas soon as possible及早趁早;预先as early as possible; prior必须及早做好准备 must make prior preparations既有问题,就该及早解决。 Since there are problems, one should solve them as soon as possible.及早回头,痛改前非 repent as early as possible, and make good one's prior misdeeds只有及早行动,才能截断敌人的后路。 Only fast action can cut off the enemy's escape route.有了病要及早治。 One should seek treatment for an illness as soon as possible.及早 jí zǎo at an early date; as soon as possible; before it is too late:  有病要及早治。 When you are ill, see the doctor as soon as possible. 及早 [ji2zao3], adv., early, while there's yet plenty of time.及早[jí zǎo] 趁早 at an early date; before it is too late:生了病要及早治。When you are ill, see the doctor as soon as possible.及早a.seasonable及早的forehanded预先做的;及早的;及时的phr.in good season及早,尽早in good time及早及早1. at an early date; as soon as possible; before it is too late2. seasonable; speedy及早at an early date; as soon as possible; before it is too late♦ 有病要~治。 When you are ill, see the doctor as soon as possible.♦ 一有消息, 请~通知我。 As soon as you get any news, please let me know.英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞EARLY




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