单词 | 去 |
释义 | 去1. to betake2. to go3. to depart4. to remove5. to separate去 qùI v.1) go; go to; leave; depart2) get rid of; remove; cast out去你的! Get lost!3) dispatch给教授去个电话问问。 Give the professor a ring and ask about it.4) be apart相去不远 not far from each other5) opera play the role ofII cons.in order to挣钱去养家 earn money to support one's familyIII suf.away送去 send awayIV b.f.1) past; last (去年)2) “going” tone; Mandarin fourth tone (去声)V adv.topo. extremely; really; quite可好了去了! It's really good!去qùto goto go to (a place)(of a time etc) lastjust passedto sendto removeto get rid ofto reduceto be apart from in space or timeto die (euphemism)to play (a part)(when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth(after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)(used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)去 modal particle 用在形容词后,表示“非常”<方>used after an adjective to intensify it这座楼可大了去了! This building is very big!他到过的地方多了去了! He has been to so many places! n. 参见:去声[qùshēng] v. 到别处去to go去朋友家 go to a friend's house从上海去北京 go from Shanghai to Beijing这是去北京的国际列车。 This is an international train to Beijing.我是初次去上海。 This is my first time to Shanghai.他到上海去过3次。 He has been to Shanghai three times.我常去他那里。 I often go to his place.他每天到公园去。 He goes to the park every day.她已去了3天了。 She has been gone for three days.我没有机会到那里去。 I don't have a chance to go there.那里我没有去成。 I didn't go there.那里危险,去不得。 It's too dangerous to go there.离开to depart from失去to lose时机一去,难以复返。 When an opportunity has passed it rarely comes again.参见:去掉[qùdiào]去皮 remove the skin去壳 remove the husk距离to be apart去今50年 50 years ago两地相去40公里。 The two places are 40 km apart.指人死<婉>to die他不到40岁就先去了。 He passed away before he reached 40.用在动词前,表示要做某事used before a verb to indicate purpose你们去考虑考虑。 You all go and think about it.你去问问他。 Go and ask him.去当兵 join the army去听报告 go and listen to a talk去上班 go to work去请医生 go to ask a doctor去银行取款 go to the bank to take out money用在动词或动宾结构后,表示去做某事used after a verb or verbal phrase to indicate purpose大家吃饭去了。 Everyone has gone to eat.他游泳去了。 He's gone swimming.他上车站迎客去了。 He's gone to the station to meet a guest.用在两个动词结构之间,表示目的used between two verbal phrases to indicate purpose提了桶水去浇花 take a bucket of water to water the flowers扮演to play a role adj. 过去的past去冬 last winter去 qu 动 (用在动词后, 表示动作离开说话人所在地): 进去 go in; 拿去 take it away; 上去 go up; 把这个给他捎去。 Take this and give it to him. 蜜蜂向花丛中飞去。 The bees are flying into the flowers. (用在动词后, 表示动作的继续等): 信步走去 stroll along; 让他说去。 Let him talk.; Let him say what he likes. 另见 qù。 2) 去 qù 动 (从所在地到别的地方) go; leave: 从北京去上海 leave Beijing for Shanghai; 你去过大连没有? Have you ever been to Dalian? 谁去都一样。 It makes no difference who goes. 他去多久了? How long has he been away? 我们昨天去工厂了。 We went to the factory yesterday. (除去; 除掉) remove; get rid of: 去掉官僚主义的工作作风 get rid of the bureaucratic style of work; 去掉几个字 take off some words; 去掉思想上的负担 get a load off one's mind; 去皮 remove the peel or skin; peel (距离;差距) be apart from: 去今50余年 more than fifty years ago; 相去不远 not far from each other; 两地相去80里。 The two places are 80 li apart. (寄出; 发出; 派出) send: 去了一封电报 send a telegram; 给她去个电话。 Give her a ring.; Call her up. (用在另一动词前, 表示要做某事): 你去问一问。 Please go and ask. 我们自己去想办法。 We'll find a way out ourselves. (用在动宾结构后面, 表示去做某件事): 她游泳去了。 She's gone to swim. (用在动词结构或介词结构之间, 前者表示方式, 后者表示目的): 到工厂去看一位老朋友 go to a factory to see an old friend; 他想尽一切办法去实现他的目标。 He went to all lengths to compass his purpose. (方) (扮演) play the part (role) of; act (the part of): 他去什么角色? What role is he given to play? 他在京剧《逼上梁山》里去林冲。 He acted Lin Chong in the Beijing opera Driven to Join the Liangshan Rebels. 形 (过去了的时间) past; last: 去冬 last winter; 去年 last year 副 (方) (非常; 极) very; extremely: 那片林子可大了去了。 That's really quite a forest. 他到过的地方多了去了。 He's been to a great many places. 名 (去声) falling tone, one of the four tones in classical Chinese and the fourth tone in modern standard Chinese pronunciation: 这个字该读去声。 This word should be read with falling tone. 另见 qu。去去 194B55 11.93 部居 畫數 5ㄑㄩˋ [qU4] N.去聲 The fourth tone in Mandarin speech, represented consistently by letter “h” after vowel in present dictionary (in some systems represented by diacritical mark “\\”).V.i.(1) To go to a place, to leave, depart: 來來去去 coming and going;去不了 unable to go;去不去 will go or won't go?去不得 mustn't go;去不起 cannot afford to go (to expensive hotel);美國去不成了 the hope to go to the U.S. cannot be realized;去他的 let him go (about his business);去你的 go your way (I am not stopping you);去留 the choice between staying or quitting;去路 a way out.(2) Be apart: 相去不遠 not far from each other.V.t.(1) To drop (habits, office), drive away (heat, cold), leave (country): 去掉 throw away;去不掉 cannot remove (stain);去火 reduce combustion in body system;去病 drive away illness;去邪 (Chin. med.) reduce poison in system;壞習慣老去不了 an old habit is difficult to drop;去泰去甚 avoid excesses, extravagance;去官,去職 resign from office;去任 leave when term expires.(2) In Chin. opera, to play the role of: 他去甚麼角色 what role is he given to play? 去王寶釧 plays Lady Precious Stream.Infin. part.Used like Eng. infinitive particle “to”: 回家去吃飯 go home and (“to”) have supper;拿錢去養家,去玩 take money to support his family, to have a good time.Adj.Past: 去年,去歲 last year;去今來 (Budd.) the past, present and future;去事 past events;去日 days in the past.Adv.Off, on, away: 信口說去 just talk on;說來說去 after so much talk (on and on);讓他哭去 let him cry on;進去 go in;做去 just go ahead and do it.Prep.From: 去包裹裡取些碎銀子 took some bits of silver from the parcel.Words1. 去處 [qU4chu4], n., (1) a place: 荒涼去處 a solitary place; (2) s.t. on the record: 他平生沒有得罪人的去處 from his record he never seems to have offended any one; (3) place gone to: 不知去處 do not know where one has gone to.2. 去得(過兒) [qU4de0]([guo1er0]), phr., (1) presentable, passable, good enough: 他模樣倒還去得 or 去得過兒 or 過得去 his looks are not so bad; (2) worth a visit.3. 去就 [qU4jiu4], n., the moral principle of when to stay in office and when to resign--important in Confucianism: 以去就爭 threat to leave if one's idea is not taken.4. 去了 [qU4le0], adv., far too: 人數多了去了 far too many people; 屋子大了去了 the house is far too big.5. 去聲 [qU4sheng1], n., the fourth tone, see N.↑.6. 去向 [qU4xiang4]1, n., direction: 不知去向 do not know where one is gone.7. 去項(兒) [qU4xiang4]2([er0]), n., items of expense.8. 去世 [qU4shi4], v.i., (person) to pass away.去1[qù](ㄑㄩˋ)1.从所在地到别的地方(跟‘来1 ’① 相对 as opposed to ‘come’)go:去路 way of advancing; the way to去向 whereabouts从成都去重庆 from Chengdu to Chongqing他去了三天,还没回来。He has been away for three days, and has not come back yet. 2.离开 leave; depart; be off:去国 leave one's country去世 pass away; depart from this world去职 no longer hold one's post; quit one's job; resign from office去留两便。Go or stay, do as you like. 3.失去;失掉 lose; be out of; be bereft of:大势已去。The situation is beyond salvation. or It's a lost cause. or The game is as good as lost. 4.除去;除掉 get rid of; remove; relieve:去病 prevent or cure a disease去火 relieve internal heat; relieve inflammation去皮 remove the peel or skin这句话去几个字就简洁了。Delete a couple of words, and the sentence will read more concise. 5.距离 be away from:两地相去四十里。The two places are 40 li apart.去今五十年。It was 50 years ago. 6.过去的(时间,多指过去的一年) past (oft. referring to the year just past):去年 last year去秋(去年秋天)last autumn去冬今春 last winter and this spring 7.〈婉辞 euph.〉指人死 die; pass away; depart; be gone; depart from this world; go to a better place:他不到四十岁就先去了。He passed away before he was 40. 8.用在另一动词前表示要做某事 [used before another verb to indicate a future action] be about to; be going to:你们去考虑考虑。You may go and think about it.自己去想办法。Go and figure out a way for yourself.注意 NOTE:表示离开说话人所在地自行做某件事时用‘去’,表示到说话人所在地参与某件事时用‘来’ when indicating an action of leaving the speaker, use 去, while for an action ofcoming towards the speaker, use 来 lái 9.用在动词或动词结构后面表示去做某件事 [used after a verb or verbal structure to indicate an action that has started] have gone to do sth.:游泳去了 have gone for a swim他听报告去了。He has gone to listen to a report.回家吃饭去了 have gone home for dinner注意 NOTE:⑧⑨的‘去’可以一前一后同时用,表示去了要做某件事,如:他去听报告去了。 去 qù in ⑧⑨ can be used simultaneously before and after a verb or verb-object structure to indicate ‘have gone to do sth.’, e.g. He has gone to listen to a report. 10.用在动词结构(或介词结构)与动词(或动词结构)之间,表示前者是后者的方法、方向或态度,后者是前者的目的 [used between a verbal or prepositional structure and a verb or verbal structure to indicate the former is the way, direction or attitude of the latter, while the latter is the purpose of the former] to; in order to; through; by; from:提了一桶水去浇花 take a bucket of water to water the flowers要从主要方面去检查 conduct an inspection from the principal aspect用辩证唯物主义的观点去观察事物 look at things from a dialectical materialist point of view 11.〈方 dial.〉用在‘大、多、远’等形容词后,表示‘非常…’,‘…极了’的意思(后面加‘了’) [used after an adjective such as 大 dà, 多 duō, 远 yuǎn, etc. and followed by 了 ·le to indicate degree] very; extremely:这座楼可大了去了!What an enormous building!他到过的地方多了去了!He has travelled to countless places! 12.去声 falling tone:平上去入 level tone, rising tone, falling tone and entering tone去2[qù](ㄑㄩˋ)扮演(戏曲里的角色) play a role; act a part in (a local opera):在《断桥》中,他去白娘子。He played the role of Lady Bai (White Snake) in The Broken Bridge.去[qù](ㄑㄩˋ)1.用在动词后,表示人或事物随动作离开原来的地方 [used after a verb to suggest the movement away of the speaker in the middle of an action] away:拿去 take it away捎去 take it (away) with you 2.用在动词后,表示动作的继续等 [used after a verb to indicate continuation of an action] on:信步走去(= 过去)take a leisurely walk towards or up to让他说去(= 下去)。Let him talk on.一眼看去(= 上去)look far ahead; look across相关词组出去 | 故去 | 过去 | 回去 | 进去 | 来去 | 上去 | 失去 | 褪去 | 下去 | 相去 | 过不去 | 过得去 | 豁出去 | 何去何从 | 死去活来 | 来龙去脉 | 掐头去尾 | 颠来倒去 | 翻来覆去 | 过意不去 | 来回来去 | 眉来眼去 | 说不过去 | 说得过去 | 一来二去 | 直来直去去处 | 去火 | 去就 | 去路 | 去年 | 去任 | 去日 | 去声 | 去世 | 去暑 | 去岁 | 去向 | 去雄 | 去职去a.going去的,离去的ad.away…掉,…去;不存在n.GO去;离去going去,离去;行vi.choof〈澳口〉去,往BE[用于完成时]来;去GO行进;去seek〈古〉去frame〈古〉进行;去repair去,赴(to)cruise〈俚〉前往,去gang〈苏格兰〉行走;去(= go1)Wade〈废〉前进;去;经过Wend行,走;往,去tootle〈英口〉(悠闲自得地)去;开车去begone[仅用于祈使句或不定式]去;走开jol出发;去vt.get〈古〉使(自己)去peel剥,去(皮、 壳、 外层覆盖物等)rogue【农】去(劣);去(杂);为(田地)的作物去劣(或去杂) (out)Wend行,走;往,去decerebrate【医】去(脑),切除(大脑)phr.off with[用于祈使句]去;去掉;脱掉去1. to go2. to be apart from3. of the past4. to remove5. to leave去de去[qù]动1. go; go to (a place)♦ 我~。 I'll go.♦ 他已经~了。 He has already gone.♦ 他~了三天, 还没回来。 He's been away for three days, and hasn't come back yet.♦ 昨天已经~了三个人。 Three people went there yesterday.2. cause to go; send there♦ 我给他~过两封信。 I sent him two letters.♦ 给她~个电话。 Give her a call.♦ 已经~了一个电报。 A telegram has been sent (to him).♦ 我们只~了个代表。 We only sent a representative.3. remove; get rid of♦ ~头屑 get rid of dandruff♦ 汽油能~油迹。 Gas is good for taking out oil stains.♦ ~了皮再吃。 Peel it before you eat it.4. (used before and / or after a verb) go in order to; be going to (do sth. there)♦ 你们~研究研究, 看该怎么办。 Go and make a study of it, and see what's the best thing to do.♦ 这件事我~办吧 Let me (go and) arrange this.♦ 你别管, 让他自己~想办法。 Don't bother, let him figure it out for himself.5. (used between two verbal expressions, and / or after the second expression) in order to (do sth. there)♦ 他回家吃饭~了。 He went home to eat.♦ 他提了一桶水~浇花。 He took a bucket of water to water the flowers.♦ 用辩证唯物主义的观点~观察事物 look at things from a dialectical-materialist point of view6. 书 be apart from in space or time♦ 两地相~40里。 The two places are 40 li apart.♦ ~今五十年 50 years ago7. (used after verbs of motion, indicating motion away from the speaker) thither; there; away♦ 上楼~ go upstairs♦ 回家~ go home♦ 谁把我的笔拿~了?Who's taken my pen away?8. (used after certain verbs to express the idea of detachment, separation, or loss)♦ 把多余的枝叶剪~。 Cut off the unnecessary twigs and branches.♦ 这些琐碎事情占~了他不少时间。 Such small things take up a lot of his time.形just gone or elapsed♦ ~秋 last autumn♦ ~冬今春 last winter and this spring |
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