

单词 原稿
释义 原稿1. master copy2. original manuscript原稿 yuángǎo(r)original manuscript; master copy原稿yuángǎomanuscriptoriginal copy原稿manuscript原稿 yuán gǎo manuscript; original pattern; original manuscript; master copy:  原稿架 copy holder;  打字原稿 typewritten manuscript;  把原稿退回给某人 reject the manuscript to sb.;  对原稿进行润笔(色) polish the original;  原稿将于下月初付印。 The manuscript will go to press early next month. 原稿(兒) [yUan2gao3]([er0]), n., (original) draft of manuscript.原稿[yuán gǎo] 写成后没有经过他人修改增删的稿子;出版部门据以印刷出版的稿子 original manuscript; master copy; manuscript unpolished by others; manuscript according to which a book is printed and published原稿a.manuscript手写的;打字的;印刷体书写的;未付印的,原稿的n.vorlage〈英〉(被用以制成副本的)原稿(或书)matter【印】原稿;排版copy【印】原稿,手稿;(与图表等相对而言的)文字部分manuscript手写本,手稿;打字稿;原稿原稿1. a manuscript (copy); an original draft; a master copy原稿original copy双向☞原底--原片--原稿双向☞手稿--原稿原稿original manuscript; master copy英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞COPY




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